Chapter 17

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Warning: smut (birth control)

It was the first of December and you already were in a Christmas mood, a few days ago you were buying Christmas decorations to decorate the apartment of you and Jensen. You loved Christmas, it was your favourite time of the year, it made you feel happy.

You and Jensen got a tree a few days before, because you absolutely needed one and Jensen was annoyed, but in a good way. He loved seeing you decorating the apartment, you always did it, even in the old apartment you two had. You always needed to make it Christmassy.

You woke up on a Sunday (the first of December) morning and smiled as you felt yourself lying in Jensen's arms with your head on his chest. You hugged him tightly and drove your hand up and down his chest.

You stopped for a second and looked at the ring he gave you. It was beautiful. The first few days you felt guilty over Nick for getting engaged with Jensen, but later in bed that night Jensen assured you he didn't want to push you or anything.

You told him you'd love to become his wife and spend the rest of your life with him, making him happy. He made you happy more than everything and he loved you mor than he thought he could love a woman.

"Hey good morning beautiful." he said with closed eyes and you smiled at his sleepy voice. "Morning handsome." he smiled and lifted your chin giving you a soft peck on your lips. "I love waking up next to you." he said against your lips and you smiled, looking him into his eyes.

"Me too." you said and cupped his cheek before you leaning in and kissed him passionately and lovingly. He placed a hand on your back and drove it up and down while the other one rested on your neck, pulling you closer to him.

You tended your head and deepened the kiss, both of you smiling into the kiss as he squeezed your butt slightly. Just as he wanted to make you straddle him, his mobile ringed. You two pulled away and both of you growled.

He reached for his phone and showed you the caller ID, it was his mom. "Hey." he said and threw the covers away from before he stood up. He walked into the kitchen and still lied there. You took your phone and unlocked it, 2 texts from Jared and one of your mom.

Your mom: hey sweetie I know it's still really to ask you that, but you're coming to us this year, right? Just making sure because of your work and Jensen. Just call me then.

Jared: Hey you two wanna meet up today?
Jared: We didn't celebrate your and Jensen's engagement, lets do it!

You smirked at Jared's messages, he was such a dork sometimes but he was your cousin. You decided to answer him later. You quick texted your mom 'hey mom, I'm gonna call you within the next days. Love you'.

Just as you texted your mom, Jensen came smiling back into the bedroom, "What are you smiling at?" you asked him. "My mom, you know she's always so early with planning Christmas, so she asked me if we'd come."

You swallowed thickly, "Uhm-" this meant flying and every time you thought about it, you wanted to crawl in bed and hide. "You're okay?" he asked and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, it''s just-" the therapist told you to be honest to Jensen no matter what "-I'm scared, Jay."

"Why are you scared?" he asked as he made himself comfy again. "I'm scared of-" you took a deep breath "-I'm scared of flying. Every time I think about a plane I want to hide and crawl into bed and never leaving it again." you said and he pulled you close into his chest.

I love you, always did, always will (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin