Chapter 1

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4 years ago...(2008)
You were sitting in your room and studying for your final exams to be a doctor, mostly you studied with Jensen since he was your roommate and best friend. You two owned a little apartment in Brooklyn, it was cheap and pretty. When you thought about Jensen, your heart skipped a beat, you were in love with him. You knew he didn't share those feelings, but you wished he would've. Although he was making you those compliments and flirted with you a lot, you thought he was just being nice, nothing more.

"Hey Y/N, you're home?" he called as he entered the apartment and you could hear someone else. You heard someone giggle, a woman. Really? He brought some girl?
You quickly decided to answer him.
"Yeah, I'm in my room." you called back and the door opened a few seconds later.

"Hey, I want to introduce you someone." he smiles warmly and you loved this smile.
You got up from your bed and walked into the kitchen. You saw a woman, who didn't look bad, she was really pretty. She had a perfect body, brown and curled hair.

"Hey you must be Y/N, I'm Dana." she extended her hand towards you with a smile. You shook her hand and smiled at her. You looked at Jensen who scratched the back of his neck. "Y/N/N, she's my girlfriend." you felt your heart shutter in thousands of pieces.

But you covered it with a smile, "Oh you're the girl he keeps talking about all the time." you smiled at her and grinned at Jensen for a second.

"And you're the famous best friend Y/N he keeps talking about a lot." she smiled warmly. You couldn't even be mad at her or something she was really kind, nice, friendly and so warm-hearted. You understood why she was his girlfriend.

You three spent the night talking and laughing, although you just wanted to go to you room and cry. You loved Jensen, but you were to afraid to tell him your feelings so you decided to swallow them down and ignore them, for his happiness.

A few months later you were on a party of your friend who threw it to celebrate passing the exams, you were only there to avoid hearing your best friend having sex. Because you already heard them once and it was like hell for you. So you wanted to give them their alone time they needed.

"Hey." someone said and sat down next to you.
You looked next to you, "Hey." you said.
"You seem pretty lonely for a beautiful lady." he said and you blushed a bit. "Thank you, yeah just not a good day for me." you smiled at him. "I'm Nick by the way." he said while reaching out his hand. You shook it, "I'm Y/N." he smiled. "Well, Y/N you have a really pretty name." you smiled. "Thank you Nick."
For the first your mind wasn't with Jensen, just there at the party and talking to Nick.

"So you're telling me why you're sitting here all alone?" he grinned. You let out a small laugh
"Well the friends I came here, they're busy with some boys." "I see." he said. "Yeah, how it comes you're sitting here?" "I guess the same, to be honest." you laughed and he joined.

After the laugher died down he looked at you.
"So I guess you passed your exams?" he said.
"Yeah, rather good." you smiled. "I've never seen you at the campus." you added.

"That's because I don't study medicine. As I told you I came with friends, they asked me to join and I joined." he said with a smile, you could fell in love with. "So what are you doing then?" you asked. "I'm studying law." "Really? I even thought about studying law, but my whole family consists of doctors, so that's why I chose medicine." "Yeah the same thing with me, my whole family consists of lawyers. So I get you." he smiled all the time while talking to you.

He gave you the feeling like he was really interested in you. You two quickly noticed how much you two have in common and decided to exchange numbers. He walked you home, it was a nice gesture of him. He didn't have to do that, but he did and you were happy about that. "I guess that's where I live." you said.

"Seems so." there was short silence. "It was really nice talking to you and thank you for walking me home, you didn't have to do that." you smiled at him. "Oh please Y/N, a beautiful woman like you shouldn't walk home alone at that time." he was right it was 4am. "It was my pleasure and maybe we can talk again."
"I'd like to." you smiled and he embraced you in a hug. "Good night, Nick."

"Good night, Y/N." you flashed him a smile and walked to the elevator. You just hoped Jensen and Dana were already asleep. You opened the door and there was silence, you had luck.

You and Nick met, but were just friends for the first two years, he became one of your closest friends. You developed feelings for him, you never thought you would. You almost forgot about him, you still were thinking about him. He was happy with Dana and she was nicer than you thought. She cared about you and was on your side when Jensen made some mean jokes about you.

After two years you and Nick confessed your feelings for each other and started dating.
You were happy to have him, you really loved him. You told Jensen about Nick, that you developed feelings for him, but Jensen didn't seem really happy about that and you were kinda disappointed.

You came home one night from a date you were having with Nick, you leaned against the door frame to put your heels off and walked into the kitchen. You saw Jensen sitting there with a glass of whiskey. "Where's Dana?" you asked him, because you expected her to be there with him. "We broke up." your eyes widened and your heart also skipped a happy beat, although you shouldn't have been happy about that.

"Why did you guys broke up?" You asked as you sat down across from him. "It didn't work anymore." he said and sipped on his drink.
"Why that?" he looked at you and you could see how down and tired he was.

"I don't know! Why should I know that?!" he shouted at you and you saw how irritated he was. "Woh sorry, sorry for caring." you said and stood up walking to your room.

He lied to you he exactly knew, why it didn't work anymore. He felt jealous when he saw you with Nick, although he shouldn't.

He realized he had feelings for you and Dana noticed. She noticed how he looked at you sometimes and how irritated he was when you told him for the first time you were seeing Nick.

She told him and broke up with him, firstly he disclaimed what she was saying, but he quickly realized she was right. He knew he couldn't do anything about that, because you were happy.

It was too late.

I love you, always did, always will (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now