Chapter 5: Recovery

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Blackness consumed my vision for a very long time. I couldn't see anything for a very long time. Some pressure was placed underneath my body, but that was all I felt. My head suddenly grew weight, and I was less light.

I opened my eyes.

I was back in my hotel room, in bed. The faint morning light traveled across the room and onto the green covers. I had to use a little force to lift myself up. It seemed like I was tucked in pretty securely. Moving the covers up and shifting into a more comfortable position, I noticed the outline of a person next to me.

"Morning," Anjelo said. "You feeling okay?"

I hesitated to answer. My mouth was a desert, everything in front of me swirling around and twisting when I moved the slightest inch. Was I okay? Probably not.

The memories of last night flooded in, and that only made me more confused as to how I was here now. I let out a sigh, rubbing my head, trying to calm it down. I was trying to think about too much at once again. One thing at a time, Micayah, one thing at a time.

"How did you find me?" I asked, keeping what was close to a fetal position.

"All it took was a little looking around with the flashlight after Vicky shined it around. But we didn't think we'd find you on the floor the way we did. We thought you were dead for a moment," Anjelo said.

I pushed the sheets off more, wanting to get out of bed. When I moved, they warped, along with the space around them. I clasped a hand to my head, closing my eyes and leaning back down.

"You- you really should just rest a little, Micayah," He rushed up closer, pulling the sheets back over me and gently nudging me back down. I rested my head on the pillow, smiling a little and letting him have the satisfaction of keeping me here. He tucked me in securely as an angry mother would.

So he was the one that put me into bed before. I could tell from how tightly he tucked me in.

I had to hold in laughter as I watched him do it, this determined look on his face to put me back in bed made my chest bubble in happiness. I could only hold it in for so long though, and just like that, I was laughing like an idiot.

"What's so funny?" He asked, stopping to look at me, still, this slightly irritated look on his face.

"It's nothing," I said between chuckles and turned to the impressive tucking in job he did. I was now close to a mummy.

There was a faint knock on the door as the knob turned, the kid I could barely recognize peeking his head in. "Erm- is Micayah in here?" He asked.

"Right here," Anjelo poked the top of my head. I smiled. "Why?"

It was the kid I saw when first walking into the hotel. I remembered him distinctly because of his lavender hair and pastel eyes. He had this soft feeling about him as if you got too close you could damage him.

His sweet eyes landed on me, a worried frown appearing on his face as he opened the door fully, letting himself in. "I was waiting outside with the others last night. I didn't really want to go, but my roommate somehow convinced me to. Though, I didn't think I'd see you guys walking out with a body."

"That doesn't explain why you're here," I pushed, upset that someone interrupted my time with Anjelo. We were just starting to get along, too.

"Well, I'm actually in training to become a doctor," he said, smiling and walking closer to me bed, examining my face. "I thought I could just see if anything was wrong."

"Oh-" Anjelo and I stared back at each other before he backed up, letting the guest examine me.

"You fell over so- are there any problems with your head?" he asked me, gently pressing a hand against my forehead to see if there was any swelling anywhere.

You Don't Understand (Yandere BxB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora