Chapter 6: The New Normal

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Seven years later

The sound of rain falling gently outside woke me up from my mid-afternoon nap. With a yawn and a cat-like stretch, I got up and poked my head out of my decently-sized hollow and looked around. The pathway below me wasn't particularly crowded right now, due to the less-than-ideal weather. While the other Dragonets preferred to nest in old fox or badger dens, I much preferred this tree hollow; which might've belonged to an owl of some kind at one point in time based on the few feathers that I had found within it when I first moved in. The height made me feel much safer than if I had nested on the ground like my flock mates. The only thing I had to worry about at this height was hawks. I looked over the edge of the hollow entrance and peered down at the pair of aliens walking walking along the paved path below my tree.

Oddly enough, karma came for the race of white aliens about three months after they wiped out the Human race; as another alien race had invaded and returned the favor. As with the white aliens, we were able to verbally understand this new race as well; the Kymari, as they called themselves.

They were visually very different than the white aliens. Unlike the previous alien race, the Kymari had a more humanoid shape to them. Despite the fact that both sexes were heavily-muscled, they could move quite fast when they wanted to. Their skin was a dark, forest green that faded to a more sage green with age and each strand of their glossy black hair was about as thick as a strand of spaghetti that faded to a glossy silver with age as well. They stood around ten feet tall and the males were always clad in some type of light armor and carried one or two weapons with them while the females always carried some sort of heavy-duty knife that was kept in a sheath attached to a belt; which was what one would expect from a race of fighters who were peaceful only among their own kind. Their behavior and appearance almost reminded me of some interpretations of Orcs in various videogames. The only time they were friendly with other races was if they were on good terms for trading. That was it.

No other race seemed to want to attack the Kymari or cause too much trouble in the area that they controlled (which appeared to span across several galaxies that they called KO-628, LBB 82C, OS-93, and XVC 31B respectively). If attacked, the Kymari would all band together in retaliation; something that would without a doubt intimidate any foe.

Interestingly, each Dragonet had an innate knowledge about both races of aliens as well as the basic information of the plants and animals that they brought with them. We had decided to refer to these random bits of sourceless information as Blood Memories, as they had seemed to have come with our Dragonet bodies. Some other names had been loosely thrown around, but 'Blood Memories' was the name that made the most sense to all of us.

I observed the pair walking along the path, holding what looked like high-tech umbrellas. I much preferred this alien race to the last one. Unlike the white aliens, the Kymari had a healthy respect for the natural world, and there were dozens of parks in each city that they had built. At this point, there was no evidence that Humans had ever lived on this planet. No brick, building, tire, car, or piece of litter could be found. The Kymari had erased the traces of Humanity that the white aliens did not.

The Kymari had torn down the cities that the white aliens had built, and replaced them with sprawling, spacious cities of their own. These cities housed thousands of their kind and were surrounded by high walls. Thankfully for us, they didn't live as densely as the Humans or the white aliens did. We were largely ignored by the Kymari, as they never realized that we were more than mere animals. We also made sure to stay well out of their way and to not bother them. While most of us made sure to avoid them as much as we could, a few of us had become curious and had started to approach some of the Kymari. Thankfully, no harm befell the curious Dragonets. All they got were some gentile words and an offering of fresh or dried fruit. We never left the main park that we had settled down in.

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