Chapter 17: News of a Dragonet Study

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I looked on in disappointment as four Kymari entered the room and took their seats. I recognized Vircea from earlier and of course, Brogh. The other two- a stranger male and another female- I didn't recognize though. I could smell medication and various animals on the male, who was dressed in scrubs that had what the Blood Memories translated to "Dr. Arquen" stitched carefully in black thread on the top left side of the garment. A veternarian, clearly. I thought with a grimice. I had always hated doctor appointments and I had a feeling that I was going to be subjected to a check-up. I flattened my ear tufts and I visually tracked the vet's movements as he sat down in the chair that Vicrea had sat in last him and took a minute to orient it so that he was totally facing my cage. He sat his briefcase down beside the chair before he got up, approached my cage, and kneeled down to get a better look at me. His action was met with one of the fiercest, angriest hisses that I could manage. My warning was met with a soft chuckle from the imposing Kymari; not the reaction I had been hoping for.

"She's alert." The veternarian noted with a smile before he slowly stood back up to his full height and turned to address Brogh, who had taken his usual spot on the couch beside my cage. "Any changes in eating habits, bathroom usage, or physical activity to your knowledge?"

"No observable change so far." Brogh replied. "I haven't gotten the chance to observe her too much since reducing the tranquilizer dosage. Other than hissing at me when I get too close to her cage, she's remained fairly inactive since I've aquired her, perhaps due to all of the medication we've been giving her. When she's not asleep, she still seems lethargic and this could be a reach, but she also seems to be depressed to me." 

"That makes sense." Vircea chimed in as she situated herself in the chair that was opposite of the one that the veternarian had selected. "Fire Lizards- both this subspecies and the population further up to the northern planetary pole- are proven to be social flock creatures; much like most winged animals that I've come across or worked with. An individual separated from the flock for an extended period of time can certainly become depressed, scared, and/or lonely in my experience."

"Most every wild Fire Lizard that I have seen in the park have been seen with at least one other individual." The stranger female Kymari added as the veternarian took his chosen seat. "They are indeed social creatures. I have seen them sleep in shared spaces, play together, and even bring food items to another flock member who may be unable to forage for their own food for one reason or another; whether it's due to an injury, illness, or tending to a nest of young. Videos have revealed that members of the northern Fire Lizard population behave similarly. Perhaps the lack of a companion has made your Fire Lizard behave in such a disinterested manner, Brogh. Maybe she's missing a mate and/or offspring back in the park? I'll have to ask Drek when I see him next if he has happened to see your Fire Lizard with a possible mate or any offspring during his frequent observation of the wild population since their discovery."

My frequent stalker frowned and shook his head while the stranger female Kymari opted to lean casually against the end of the bar instead of taking a seat. Even though she was the furthest away from me, I could tell that she was watching me with interest; as her gaze never left my cage. I pinned my ears back, got up, turned around so that my back was to the gathering of Kymari, and laid back down with my head resting on top of my forepaws. Though I had closed my eyes, my other senses remained on high alert for any possible threat that could come from any of the assembled aliens at a single moment's notice.

"That's most likely the case. It's not like I can just go out and capture another Fire Lizard from the park and bring it here to serve as a companion." Brogh sighed sadly. "I spoke with the Elders and they have deemed this second population of Fire Lizards to be unharmed and left in their natural habitat due to their few numbers; along with the northern Fire Lizard population."

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