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"Holy shit" said Casey as the tank in front of theirs engulfed in flames
"We gotta move" said Dakota and Casey walked toward a hatch and opened it
"Go, I'll grab a few things and be right there" said Casey
"Be quick" said Corona
"Be quiet" said Casey as Dakota got down and Casey moved quick, grabbing a bag and packing it with tons of grenades, over 900 loads of ammo and that alone would last them months, weeks, if they ran into Iraqi soldiers and a few extra guns and once she was done packing the bag, she passed it down to Dakota and grabbed her rifle and got down her self
"What do we do now" asked Dakota in a whisper
"Bury ourselves in dirt and don't move or speak" said Casey and they started burying themselves and the bag, once they were finished they started hearing footsteps
"Mōōv" yelled an Iraqi soldier
"Bsre" yelled another as the soldiers approached the tanks
"Alright, search the tanks, if you find anyone, man or woman kill them" said the one walking in front of their exact tank and they started searching the tanks
"There's no one here, sir, they were all killed" said a guy
"Are you sure" asked the boss
"Yes, sir" said the guy
"Alright, lets go" said the boss
"Mōōv" said the guy and all of the soldiers left
"I just realized something" said Corona
"What" asked Casey
"We're alone with no back up in Baghdad" said Dakota
""We're going back to camp in a few hours" said Casey
"Why not now" asked Corona
"I know I don't want a bullet between the eyes, but I guess the question is do you" said Casey
"No, I don't" said Dakota
"Get some rest, it's been a long morning" said Casey

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