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2nd August 1987    Olivia's PoV

We walk up to the door of Hayvenhurst where Michael and some of his family lives... and if I'm being honest. I'm shaking in my shoes.
Michael looks at me and smirks "you're shaking, calm down, you'll be okay" he said softly
"I've never met no ones parents or family before, and it's even more nerve wrecking that you're the most famous family on the planet" I confess making him giggle "we may be," he shrugs "but we're normal.. my momma is excited to meet you, so is Janet" he told me as we walked up the steps.

He put his hand on the door handle and looked back at me "you ready??" He asked softly.
I sighed shakily and nod "I'm ready" I state softly, he smiled back and rubbed my arm reassuringly "it'll be okay" he repeats for the 50th time today.
He opens the door and walks in, he stands aside letting me walk in too. He closes the door behind me and sighs "nothing like being at home" he said softly.
He grinned at me "follow me" I gulped and didn't follow him.
He laughed softly coming closer to me. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and smiled "it'll be okay, there's nothing to be nervous about!" He whispered close to my face

Why does it feel like we're boyfriend and girlfriend and I'm about to meet his family for the first time.

I looked into his eyes breathing heavily, he smiled softly at me making me smile, he grabbed my hand gently hand gently and intertwined our fingers. He kissed my hand like the gentleman he is while keeping eye contact with me. I smirk at him and bite my lip, he looks at my lip then back into my eyes with the softest, adoring look.

"Oh, my boy, you're home!!" A soft woman's voice coos gently. He turns around on his heels and is met with a hug. When they hug I see her, it's Mrs Jackson. Mrs Katherine Jackson.
I smiled softly watching them embrace "mother," he laughed heartily "I was literally home this morning, you're acting like I've just been on a whole tour!" He giggled rubbing her back.
She pulled back from the hug and scoffed "Michael, you know when you're home I want you to just be around me all the time!" She told him. She turned and looked at me with a bright smile making my heart flutter. This woman is beautiful. Now I know where Michael gets his good looks from. Cause his dad certainly isn't good looking.

"You must be Olivia, nice to meet you!" She pulled me in for a hug which I gladly excepted, I glanced at Michael to see him smiling widely.
"Yes I am, it's an honour to meet your Mrs Jackson"

"Oh please," she sighed pulling back from the hug "call me Katherine, or momma Kat, or just Kat.. whatever you please!" She stroked my cheek "you're so beautiful Olivia, I've heard so much about you" she said.
I blushed and looked at Michael, he blushed too, I looked back at Katherine and she smiled looking at us both "I hope it's been good things??" I ponder raising a brow. She removed her soft hand from my cheek and rubbed Michael's chest "of course it was. My son is very fond of you—"

"Motherrr" Michael warned laughing softly looking down at his mother.
"What.. you're very fond of her.. you're always talking about—"

"Michaeeellllll" Janet came and dived on him making me smile softly "Janet, you're 21, stop driving on your big brother like you're 5" Katherine scoffed smiling happily
After Janet and Michael hugged, she unwrapped her legs from his waist and smiled "awwww I've got my two favourite babies in the same room" she cooed making Janet smile widely and Michael chuckle.
"Ummm Janet.. this is Olivia. She's my co-star." Michael says softly.
Janet looked at me and pouted "you're so pretty! I love your eyebrows.. ohhh and your outfit!" Janet pulled me in for a hug. I blushed gently "thank you Janet. You too! It's so lovely meeting you"

"Aww baby you too, when I called Michael the other day. The first thing was 'Janet.. you need to meet Olivia. You'll get along with her so well' it wasn't a 'oh hey Janet, how are you'" Janet laughed making me laugh and look at Michael, he rolled his eyes shaking his head.
"Well come on, would you like a drink Olivia??" Katherine asked me as she started walking in some direction "oh no thank you Kat" I shook my head following her because Michael and Janet was too.

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