Duo Finisher

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Craven roared as Viktoria's mech roared, the virulent monster making his body spasm like a disgusting jelly shaken under a bass stereo and the mech suit adding an eery sound to the charging of these two.

Viktoria fired a beam aimed at Lucy, a quick fire shot that suddenly was blocked by Alex's shield who got in front.

Lucy got behind him, getting up his back and using her vectors to act with him for now.

"They don't leave us much choice, both are charging so let's try pitting their attacks together then attack them if it does work!" Alex suggested as Craven tackled his shield, expecting to be pushed he braced for impact but was surprise he held steady.

Wait. His ankles were torn from trying to stop that force. Yeah his foot was over there bleeding while flipped like it was a sandal... 'This isn't my doing' Alex thought as he wondered what was keeping him so sturdy here.

In truth it was Lucy's vectors, four strong pillar like supports held back the fleshy monster as the other six struck the mecha suit woman.

Having the stumps of his feet he pushed back, his ankles bleeding at the exerted force and barely holding as he changed the shield to be the blade and slashed Craven over the head.

The slice was good as Lucy, still holding on to his back fired her vectors and slammed Craven to aim at Viktoria's direction to flatten her. The two monsters were knocked away for the time being as Alex healed his wounds, walking on his stumps to turn over his torn feet like flip flops to put them on again as they healed and reset back again like bloody bubble gum.

"Lucy... Woah... You have MASSIVE STRENGTH-! Okay okay... We can do this-!" Alex motioned before he heard Lucy's raspy breathing.

She coughed a bit "Yeah... I believe so too..." saying that made Alex doubt

"What can she do to hurt you this bad?" Alex guessed correctly "If you are this strong then there is no reason you couldn't have beaten her in the meantime we have been fighting." He asked, making Lucy get off his back and look at her. She was bleeding from her ears

"Lucy-! Oh shit!" He said, panicking a bit "Why is she so formidable against you!?" He asked again before turning around to see Victoria's suit pop off a pole like thing that extended to a satellite like radio transmitter fan formation.

He looked back and forth to see the answer clear as day. He growled before grabbing a piece of broken concrete and hurling it to Viktoria who panicked at the incoming fast object that was suddenly dispatched by a fleshy tentacle.

Alex used this time to turn back to Lucy and clap his hands together, bleeding all of the sudden to become a fleshy goo and caused the fingers interconnect and formed a flesh growth of bone and black armored viral tendons that extended over the ear cap formations. He put that new invention over her ears and she cowered cutely against them as she heard a sucking sound upon placing the device on her, the gore like earmuffs enclosing her ears from sounds as the muscle strains that strapped to her glowed a bright neon yellow.

She opened her eyes in comfort as Alex stared at her and wondered how damn smart was he to learn about all the mind control and reading projects of Blackwatch that he came up with that bio-instrument that could help Lucy? Goddamn he was godly-!

"Sense this project Athena-!" Viktoria roared as she send her EMP wave across this new battle area.

Lucy winced and waited for the pain that jumbles her mind but she was surprised and relieved it never came.

"Hey-! Lucy did it work-!?" Alex yelled, sounding mumbled over the fleshy headset.

Lucy did not see it but the moment that device on her detected an electric discharge headed for her brain, it glowed and send out a counter in the form of a viral spore splash that covered her head for a moment, making Lucy's head glow with a outer neon yellow bubble. It lasted just enough to protect her from the shockwave

Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfen LiedWhere stories live. Discover now