Finding a Key

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The chamber Lucy was kept had changed in a matter of seconds. The lab that was once clean was now drenched in blood from the lights guarding the cell she was in to the white walls and transparent glass

Lucy was mercilessly punctured and shot with a new variation of an air gun, a gun that used extreme air pressure to shoot at her case diclonius. Sadly, the projectiles were made from the very air, so nothing she could do could stop it even if she was allowed to use her powers in a controlled test

The head scientist was gleeming in happiness "Great my precious queen! You have given us the great chance to test our new toys against your kind and so much more!" He stepped over the blood and walked to where she was restrained.

He got closer to her face to see his favorite price

She had seen better days

Her body was cut and torn like rags. A little more and she would be a collection of guts and organs on the floor

By a miracle, her face was fine despite the blood covering her features. Still it had a glare that gods couldn't face

"I...I...*blagg* I humans" she spat at his face, splashing the man with crimson phelm

The man did not react at all

"HAHAHAHAA! How lovely my arterial orchid~... I love your taste from your lips favorite act of the day~!"

He licked his cheek and tasted the spit

Lucy snarled and tugged in her binds to kill this man...he was something the world was way better off

'I will kill him...I will kill....kill'

She wanted to restrained tears that stung horribly but the more she held the worse the memories came to her.

That man hurt her deeply

Not by torture and experimentation but by something no woman should suffer

She would NEVER forgive him, even if it meant going to hell with him

"Awwww. My little queen is crying... I'm here-" he teased and planned to keep doing it...

"LEAVE! *sorrowful cry* LEAVE ME ALONE!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!? *Sobs* What do you want from me...!?" She shouted, losing her cold facade and letting her suffering be visible to the man incharge of her hell

The scientist caressed her cheek, something she found repulsive and utterly disgusting

"What I want? Don't you see what I'm trying to do? I want you to be mine. That human scum made it possible to touch your heart, now I want you to give me that chance. I can free you and glamourize you like the queen you deserve to be, but I need you to love me, like that idiot you fell for!"

Lucy gained an edge of death, impressively her metal orb cage bended against her vectors

"Don't you...don't you ever INSULT KOUTA'S NAME YOU VERMIN! YOU AREN'T HALF THE MAN HE WAS!!!" She tapped to her rage and the cage rattled at her power surge

"Quartermaster! Her levels spiked beyond any test conducted" a lackey informed through the telecom

The scientist turned about and went to the railing to his office. He was gleaming in surprise and anger at the results

The gates opened to him an a slither of light touched her eyes. She stared wide at the white spectrum she was denied for...for quite some time...

This darkness was scaring her. She could handle anything but this damn black pit that seem to try to eat her

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