Alex awakens! Our Sweet Home

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Alex held Lucy in his arms as he put her down, resting her on the ground as his head piece fully protected his head. The white bone color of the armor unsettled the monster who just struck the ground repeatedly in anticipation for the fight.

The Juggernaut could tell that whatever just came to fight him, was going to wage a long war. He hit himself much like a gorilla in the chest and gave one last slam to the ground, double pounding the earth to make it quake.


The monster clearly demanded to fight as raised his right arm at an angle, horizontal as he walked forward in front of Alex.

The prototype had no qualms in getting closer, doing it step by step as the monster did in in his own lengthy strides. Both stopped in the middle, just a few feet in between.

"The monsters keep getting uglier. I hope you can last against me to test the limits of this armor. I feel better than ever." Alex made short talk as the Beast didn't even growl.

It instead swung with the force to knock down buildings, making a giant gale of wind blow to shake the trees and made a gust distort to spread across the forest.

The beast knew that his strike hit nothing and Alex dodged. But it could tell more than that as the prototype unleashed his claws and pounced only to blocked by the left arm of his to produce a terribly scratching echo.

Alex was repelled by this and landed on his feet before blocking one handed the fist of the monster who charged to thrust his whole body and force to that. This caught the beast off guard before Alex grasped that tree trunk fist with both claws to then hurl over him and body slam the creature.

The juggernaut felt pain to reactively stand only to feel paralyzed by a giant blade that pierced through him then slash through up to the right shoulder crook. It was Alex's right hand blade that cut into him like a turkey roast.

"GGGHOOOOOOUUUUUHHHHHHH-!" The beast screeched before Alex jumped over that same hurt shoulder to place his left hand and do a full spin to connect a twirl kick.

Said kick folded the beast to slide him across the ground before Alex now used his new weapons: Tendrils. They were a cream white and red that extended far out to attach to the beast and pull him back to spin around.

"Might lose some weigh or this could happen-!!!" Alex joked, the beast held by the tendrils as it tried to free itself and failed to noticed the more it pulled with it's claws the worse the entanglement got. Then Alex released to toss the beast away before leaping over and firing both arms to connect a giant tendril union mass that struck hard. The beast bled and roared as other tendrils shot out to connect to trees, boulders, and anything laying on the forest floor to be pulled in to collapsed into the beast.

An explosion occurred as the tendril attack hurt it bad, making it bleed white and yellow. Alex landed near the beast standing to full height once again

"Well well... nifty tendrils. And they attach really well. Can come in real handy. I see you bleeding that stuff. Thankfully, that doesn't hurt me anymore. Try to make this a lot more exciting alright!?" Alex called to the beast as it poised his arms in front like a gorilla. Then it vanished.

Alex made a smile before summoning his shield to cover in front of him. The beast quickly reappeared to surprisingly perform arm stand double kick with those short and heavy legs of his. The attack though was powerful enough to crack Alex's shield and cause a forced that uprooted trees behind the prototype.

"What type of monster can move like that with such build!?" Alex asked, undoing the shield to show his left arm to be a white hammerfist "Oh yeah... like me." He said, before shocking the beast with a sight to behold. He punched the ground in front and faster than it could even register, that entire area of forest uplifted and became a nest of long white like bone spikes. Said spikes tore through trees to make terribly fire logs and splinters and rock was turned to edge piercing pebbles as the Juggernaut threw up and bleed profusely at the multiple piercing spikes that went through it.

Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfen LiedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu