Social Struggle

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Alex stretched his arms to awaken his muscles from the sleep he had. It had been a while since he did that

"My name is Alex Mercer" he calmly said, keeping a friendly posture

The girl kept an impassive look, he could tell she felt akward and lost

"Is your full name just one or-? Sorry, If you want to let me know or just keep it to yourself that's fine then but I would like to know" he said quietly

Lucy felt a little weird and shrugged, making Alex take that as a 'no'

"Just Lucy? Well you kinda were...caught on the hands of humans so.. Head trauma sort of thing right?"

With that sentence her head began to churn gears and thoughts were forming

Lucy gasped at that sentence, so who is this guy? "How do you know that!? Where am I!?" She freaked, a shock that made Alex flinch with his arms covering himself. He expected her to do some supernatural shit that would send him flying but nothing happened

He looked around through the gap of his arm, then relaxed "Don't worry. I took them out. And no, I'm not a researcher or something like that, I just raided the base that had you imprisoned and saved you along the way." he explained, earning a glimpse of gratitude from her in the tiniest of smiles. Alex smiled for a second before he saw her bleeding from a gash he healed hours ago "Ah man, let me help you" he reached into his pocket and took out a roller bandage

He took a step to fast at her and she had a bad reaction to it

Lucy shivered as he saw the man get closer with a bandage he was taking out of his leather jacket, she clenched her teeth imagining that bandage being the same weapon of silence from that bastard of hell, from 0 to 100 she went aggressive and slapped the man with a vector

Alex felt a blow to his to torso and was planted to the wall with his limbs sticking out

Lucy's eyes fragmented in hate "Don't come near me" coldly she warned, the gleam of isolation fading her eyes

She thought he was dead, sighing and almost leaving the bed when suddenly groans came from him

"......aaaa-AAAAAOOOwwwwww!! Dammit what did I do!?" He groaned as he flipped off the wall and landed on his feet

Lucy quickly slid back to the bed and kept the covers close to her body

"Hey! I was trying to heal you" he sat on the bed and stretched the roll of bandage. Still weary, she kept her guard but seeing the man up and moving like nothing took her interest. Lucy let him as she saw him bleeding heavily from his side. She was gonna call it to his attention as he literally did not notice the smashed ribs he had sticking out of the leather jacket, she injured the man quiet harshly and wondered how the hell was he not dying or hurting.

She was freaked out at the power she had from just randomly flinging a vector as well. Though what she saw next paralyzed her. The man's body creaked and snapped back to normal like someone would do to a banged up bottle of water right infront of her eyes. A shock came from seeing that type of regeneration. She also notice there was no heavy bleeding like it should had been and wondered if it was her imagination. That healing left her speechless until she felt a bandage being wrapped and finally secured around her head

"Wait..*scuffle* what are you doing!?" She asked annoyed, hating him for ruffling her hair

"I'm healing you with a bandage duh! Don't you see you're bleeding?" He bantered at her, Lucy relaxed and let him finish

Once done, he sighed "I am no doc, but I hope your gashes, cuts, and injuries fix themselves"

Lucy checked her body and for the first time realized how badly cut up she was. She whimpered while touching most of her face and the sting of pain made her eyes water

Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfen LiedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя