Chapter 6

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Time goes by quite quickly in heaven, 18 months to be exact. When I turned eight, I though I would have a perfect life, but that had never been the case. My life is the same everyday. Being 8, I didn't have any friends the same age as me, but I had all 1500 inmates to call family.
I wake up to go to the bathroom then I do
-25 push ups and -25 sit ups.
It will probably increase in the future though. After my workout I go and get our meal which only consists of a strange purple mush called Mochi. It definitely didn't taste very satisfying like it sounded. During breakfast We would all talk to some elders as they told us amazing stories! Once someone had given me brand new clothing! After breakfast, I would meet up with Pujo and Yuki who were always down on the base floor where everyone usually practiced their technique.

"Yuki-san!" I had finally found Yuki training his taijutsu by himself. He looked over to me with gleaming eyes, he looked like he was ready to take on the world.
"Reiko! How was your sleep? Today's going to be a big day down here!" Big day? I had heard about a tournament that was supposed to be held, but I didn't think it would be today.
"Oh is it today?" Yuki just nodded excitedly,
"And they even said that the people who place the top 3 and survive will be able to be realeased!!"
"Wait that means...." I knew what he was going to say, if me, Pujo and Yuki placed as the first 3 we could leave and start our lives! But there was 1500 of us , that would mean we would be battling so many of our comrades..
"Hey Reiko, it's okay." He crouched down and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Everyone has the same goal, it won't be that horrible. This will be part of your goal to be the ninja of justice." Yuki was right, if I was to fulfill my dream, I would need to escape here too.
I knew Yuki and Pujo were very strong shinobi, but I don't think I would be able to do it. I haven't even killed a single soul.

Pujo's POV
Today was the day of the tournament. I am prepared to do anything for the sake of Yuki , Reiko, and I to leave this place. Whatever it takes.
I have been subtly training Reiko the last year to be able to do taijutsu and Fire jutsu. Coming from the damned Uchiha clan made it obvious. I think she has a lot more potential as a shinobi, but this will have to do for now.
At 12 o'clock sharp an announcement had commenced. All of the inmates were now on the base floor waiting in anticipation.
I had met up with Reiko and Yuki just before it was time and told them the plan.
"Reiko, I know this may sound bad and scary, but you must win. We have to make it out together. Use your taijutsu as much as you can." She nodded, I could tell she didn't want to do it. I looked at Yuki, his eyes flared with determination. The lights then seemed to brighten, an noise maker popped out of the ceiling.
"Hello there you ninja scum. I'm the head of this facility, Gozo. You may have heard of a tournament that will be taking place today. Well I'm here to tell you the details and how you will be going on about it. If you start fighting now, you will be disqualified.
The top three of you criminals who survive or have defeated all the other criminals will be allowed out of this joint. We are making room for new inmates, so today's your lucky day."
The lights started to Dim, and an image was displayed on the wall. It was of the 4 levels of the prison and tiny pictures of each individual inmate here.
"Okay here's how it's going to work." The image then circled a vertical row of People. It included the base floor, 1st, second, and third.
"All the people with cells 1-64 on the base level and 1-62 on all the other levels stay on the base floor. All other inmates please head to the upper levers to view the tournament. None of our cells were called, so we headed up to the third level. The announcements started again.
"There will be a total of 6 matches, and there will only be 6 winners.
After that there will be three battles. Is that clear?"
The announcements had started rambling something about rules,
"Okay Reiko, your cell is 221
Mine is 96,
And Yuki?"
"Mines 154"
Phew, we wouldn't have to battle each other, this was such a good fortune.
The good part was that I was to be battling next.

Reiko's POV

"BEGIN!" The noise maker then became silent as we watched 250 of our people battle. I saw 10 people . No 30 had already died. Most of them were fighting at an incredible speed. Most of the base level Shinoni had already lost the battle. Only 5 of them remained by now. The battle was going to be quite short on the way the things were going. Many of them were using ninjutsu I have never seen.
"Reiko see that one over there?" I nodded.
"He's trying to do earth style, but he's taken too long so someone will hurt him about..." He had been pierced by a lightning rod. We weren't allowed weapons, so I guess that seemed fit." The killings just continues and continued. He even said that they were disqualified if they were unconscious, what is wrong with these men. I sat down and averted my eyes from the battle. Unreasonable killings, especially because it's us, it didn't make my stomach feel right.

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