Chapter 2

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HOLY MOP TOADS I DID IT!! I Had successfully created a fireball! Sasuke's was bigger than mine, but that's because he was older Duh! After our amazing day, we went home. I heard that Sasuke was getting trained by my father himself! It makes me kind of jealous but I had better things to do. I could go practice! One day I'll be better than him, I know it.

I headed to Itachi's room, but he wasn't there, so I decided to sneakily crawl into his room like a true ninja and hop on his bed. It was so soft!! I plunged my face into the pillow to hear a loud


? What the... I reached for under the pillow to find a... Book! It wasn't just any other book either! IT WAS HIS DIARY. I was mentally evil laughing as I opened the book which was surprisingly not Booby trapped. Was it a fake? Nah, Itachi wouldn't spend all that time to do that.


Today I met this girl who was pretty. She turned out to be a rouge so I killed her.


My squad and I ate Ramen. It was good. I shall go back there soon.


My birthday is nearing, I must prepare for my siblings to deliver me a cake. It won't taste good.

WAIT. Hold up. MY CAKE DIDNT TASTE GOOD?? And I guess Itachi-nee sucks at writing. I mean, it sucks like dog poo. I thought he was supposed to be super smart or something

"What are you doing Reiko?" I heard Itachi's voice right next to me. I whisked around accidently bringing the book with me.

"Uh.. Nothing Neechan! But if Y-you want a love life, I suggest you don't kill people!" I threw the book into his arms and ran out the room. "

"Pheww..." I really hope Itachi didn't come after me, but who knew he could get crushes?!?! I ran into my bedroom and Laid down on my small bed. My ceiling was bland with nothing on it, just like Itachi's love life. I really needed to find him a girlfriend or boyfriend, I don't even know these days.



Reiko ran out of my room, and I was now holding a book. It wasn't just any book though. It was my false diary I had kept under my pillow. I wouldn't expect my little sister to fall for it first though. I then used my sharingan to see that Reiko was sleeping on her bed, probably dreaming about whatever she read in the book.

I put the book back under my pillow and looked out the window. There was a signal coming from the Hokage's Building. It was definitely Danzo, so I left out the window and took off.


Sasuke's POV

"You will never be as good as your brother." My dad was disappointed at me.

"Itachi could do that JUTSU when he was 4. You haven't even mastered the Sharingan yet." Why did dad not think of me as a normal kid? I wanted to be like Itachi, he was the best Ninja in the world.




Itachi's POV

My... Clan? Was going to attack the Leaf?

I couldn't do it. Never. But I am loyal to the leaf. I couldn't kill my mother .... Reiko... Dad. Danzo couldn't do this to me! He said only Sasuke could live, but I know that's not right.

The leaf was in jeopardy, but that would be fixed with me killing them.

I found myself in the front of my clans Gate. I couldn't do it. not today. I waved to the gateman and walked in. Everything seemed normal, and when I reached my house I could hear Reiko and Sasuke running around and screaming. I couldn't do it.

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