Chapter 9

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"Reiko we are so very close to escaping! We only have to win our next battles!" Pujo had stars in his eyes, but I may have had them too, today was going to be the best days of our lives.

"Yeah Fighting!"

We all held hands like a family and headed for Yuki's Cell, which was definitely the cleanest.

"I am most definitely the Father of the family." Pujo remarked, striking a manly pose outside of the cell. Me and Yuki just sweatdropped.

"Since I'm the father, then Yuki must be the mother! And Reiko you can be the daughter!" Yuki swiftly went over to Pujo and smacked him in the head.
"If you would clearly know, I AM THE FATHER. And you're my bitch." I started laughing hysterically, Pujo had been owned.

"Reiko can be.... Hmmm...." He started to tap his forehead, thinking of something clever.

"My mother!" We all then just sweatdropped and looked at Yuki, ruined the mood. I cut in my opinion before he got a chance to talk again. Standing up straight, I took a deep breathe in.

"Okay ! I got it! I am the queen of Yuki and Pujo! You two are my most loyal and Awesome Bitc-" Pujo quickly covered my mouth as some cell mates walked by the cell and had disappointed expressions.

"No no no! We are teaching her how to be a good Shinobi! No cussing haha?" I quickly licked Pujo's hand so I could continue my speech. He took his hand away quickly,

"YOU TWO ARE MY BITCHES!!" I smiled at them, not knowing why they had such an odd looking expression. Hmm, quite odd..

"What are we teaching our child..." One of them mummered,

"I don't even wanna know anymore..."



????! POV
"Is this the place?" A blond haired boy asked, staring at a large thick forest that emitted a strange menacing aura.

"Yes, directly below it is a containment facility, owned by the man we need to kill." I replied, beginning to loosen my strings and wind them through the forest.

"It's a good thing we got this portion, not like that Itachi bastard who only got to scout the land..." My naive parter smirked, if only it was that easy.
"Come on, we don't have much time.... We need to find a door and blow it up..." I stepped into the forest without so much as a care.

"You know, I kind of feel bad for Gozo... Danna, I mean he has tried to hide for the past 10 years to only be found by Us!" He snickered , scoping the area for anything quite peculiar. When the scenery began to repeat, a small fern to be exact, same angle, same size, etc. I realized it was a genjustu.

"Deidara, I'm going to break the seal, be prepared to explode any incoming weapons.

I made some handsigns, and shouted
"Release!" The fern then poofed into what seemed like a handle of some sort which was connected to nothing... That was it.

"Deidara, turn the handle try to open it." He gave a funny expression.
"Huh? Is that eternal art stuff going to your head." He made a snooty smile, rolling my eyes I pointed back to the handle.

"Just do it." He was silent, but then I cut him off again.


"OKAY FINE" He acts just like a child sometimes. He walked over to the strange fern handle and turned and pulled on it. The ground seemingly opened like a door, showing a set of staircases going into oblivion.

"Creepy.." Deidara replied, reaching into his pocket to chew on some clay, I just rolled my eyes and began descending into darkness.

Reiko's POV
"Pujo hurry up we only have 3 minute left! Just bring all your belongings outside with you so we can leave early!" Yuki Chided, carrying a large sack of his valuables. He had also made me pack, but I didn't have much besides my battle clothes which I was wearing, I also just packed my ragged bed sheet in case we ever needed it.

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