Chapter Four

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Noah was nonplussed after seeing the picture of Ms. Aritzvah on Catherine's laptop screen that night. He wasn't expecting to see his childhood neighbor's face on Catherine's screen. 

Ms. Aritzvah was a simple lady, with chestnut brown curls, olive skin and a gleaming smile. She was petite yet beautiful, anyone who met her could easily confuse her for a feeble woman but she was the exact opposite. Noah loved being around her, he would go and play in her backyard on Thursdays and Saturdays when his parents left him alone for their exhibition.

By the time he turned ten he started going to Ms. Aritzvah's house more often, his parents were always busy with their laborious work. They had started an exhibition center, they were both painters and were striving vigorously to give Noah a good life. Ms. Aritzvah would play with Noah and take care of him all the time. She would tell him stories and watch movies with him. He loved playing in her backyard because she would let Noah play with her pogo stick. Noah enjoyed riding on pogo stick, jumping from one place to another, he always loved trampolines and fly bars.

Noah would ask her questions about her family and tell her about his family. He liked sharing his point of view with her, he would often ask for her opinion in diverse arenas. Much to the dismay of his father Noah used to prefer reading over paintings. Noah's favorite story was the one narrated by Ms. Aritzvah, it was about a girl who went on a quest to unveil the truth about her parents. Noah adored the characters of the story, how the events of the story unfold to reveal a bigger truth. Noah adulated this story specifically. When Noah turned fifteen he used to reminisce about the best days of his childhood, the ones he spent with Ms. Aritzvah. Even though he was a teenager now he would do anything to meet her, he felt an impinging feeling of gladdening and contentment when he was with her. She would always look out for him and answer almost all his questions. She was the reason Noah grew up to be a part of erudition. He had always had a vivid imagination, whenever he started reading soon the lines and paragraphs would blur from his sight and characters appeared as if it was a movie.

Noah snapped out of his thoughts, it was time for Integrated Manufacturing lecture. Noah had opted for a fewer courses this semester, maybe he just wanted this semester to be laxed. Noah went inside the classroom and sat on the only seat he could find. The campus of University of Virginia was the oldest known campus in the entire state. The campus boasted regal brick buildings, accented with dozens of beautiful fountains, statues and sculptures. It was an academic oasis amidst the busy town. University Of Virginia was a hub for demographical diversity. Noah cherished the tradition of erudition offered by the University and its culture. It happen to serve a holistic experience to the individual of the challenges encountered and ways to overcome. The best part about the environment was that student of any background could thrive here. 

Noah wasn't expecting to see Catherine in this course, she did not seem to be the type of girl who would opt this course, but here she was. She came and sat on the last bench. Noah kept looking back at her seat sporadically throughout the lecture. He could tell that she was lost in her thoughts, even though Noah was himself jaded by this lecture he knew that Catherine wasn't even listening to it in the first place. As soon as the lecture was over Catherine made her way outside the classroom through the back door. Noah stood up swiftly and started sprinting in her direction to catch her but couldn't.  A lot of people were blocking his way so he decided to look for Catherine in the hall later.

Noah started having qualm about his behavior towards Catherine. He actually went to her house after all, isn't that something a creep would do? The epiphany dawned upon him, what if she thinks he is a creep indeed? 

Why did he go to her apartment in the first place? But he knew the answer to this question very well. Ever since he had shared that one quiz with Catherine he liked her, in a platonic way of course. He felt the same contentment with Catherine that he did when he use to be with Ms. Aritzvah, except for the night when he went to Catherine's apartment, maybe it was just a scintillating feeling and it has passed by now. But still he wanted to know how does Catherine know Ms. Aritzvah and what was she doing with her picture. 

Tied up in his thoughts Noah couldn't help but think if Ms. Aritzvah and Catherine were related. Now that he gave it a thought they did have an uncanny resemblance. Noah juxtaposed their image in his mind and the realization struck him hard, they had the exact same deep brown chestnut curls, olive skin and petite appearance. They really looked alike!

But something didn't add up,  Catherine told him that she lost her parents in a car accident. He knows that her parents did not live in Virginia,  then how is she related to Ms. Aritzvah?

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