Chapter Thirteen

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The floor squeaked as Noah stepped his foot on the dark brown, wooden floor outside the library.

Noah had been given a tour of the Academy by Cyndi, the very same day. The moment Cyndi pointed towards the gigantic, old, ostensibly simple door of the library, Noah knew this is the place to rummage, for clues and information to delve into. An old library, that's what exactly they wanted in a time like this.

"Watch your step!", Catherine whispered in a hushed tone.

"Sorry", Noah replied, while he tried to walk with softer steps towards to the library, Catherine was behind him.

Finally they reach the door of the library, which was open slightly ajar, as if someone had been in there.

"They don't close their library?", Catherine said pushing the door to open, while Noah stood back to back with her looking for any signs of danger in the dark hallway.

"What are we looking for?", Catherine whispered again, now standing inside the library, she could barely see anything, the darkness engulfed her sight and her pupils adjusted themselves to be able to see clearly in the dark. Noah saw a lit candle placed on the far end of the library. Noah and Catherine followed the path leading to the table on which the candle sat.

Noah gazed at the medley of sections within the library, each pertaining to a different arena. On either side of their path were horizontal branches of path leading further into sub-sections. Bookshelves overwhelmed with superfluous amount of books, Noah saw all sorts of scriptures, written in ancient languages, and different manuscripts tightly bind together with a thick thread.

Noah gazed at the curve paths of the sub-sections in the library, on both the sides it looked like these sub-sections ran in concentric circles. Each engulfing another within, Noah thought if the library's architecture was circular.

Catherine picked up the candle once they reached the long table that was placed in the middle of the library. It isn't the far end, Noah realized, in fact it is the center of the library.

With the minimal luster single candle could provide, Noah took a turn around the table, while Catherine started flipping through the pages of the book which was left open on the table. A pile of books sitting right next to the bunch on open books on the table.

Catherine picked up one book and started reading the pages. Noah noticed the other half of the library, each path leading towards the center, it was a circle. A figure appeared at the other end of the library, it was a girl, she was holding a candle in her hand and walking curiously towards them. Noah figured she was not alone, as he could hear footsteps of more than just one person.

Noah saw the figure coming closer, the darkness of the night had filled the library, the girl's head appeared to be floating, only her face was illuminated by the candle light. The figure reached the center of the library.

"Cyndi?", Noah replied, he glanced behind Cyndi, he could see the two similar figures standing right next to each other. James and Theo, Noah thought.

Catherine, looked up from the book and placed the book slowly on the table.

"What are you two doing here?", Cyndi asked, her tone demeaning and authoritative. Theo took a turn around the table and reached where Catherine was standing with a candle in her hand.

Catherine bit her lip, she did not know if she should tell them the truth. If she should tell them that she doesn't belong from this world but her mother does.

"We-uhh. We were just-", Noah fought to find the right words.

"Save it", Theo yelped, his gaze shifting from Noah to Catherine. Catherine's hair were loose, her skin glowing under the candle light, she nervously pushed a strand of her chestnut brown hairs behind her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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