Chapter Ten

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"Wait. Correct me if I am wrong, we are in the city of Gryneff and people here have some kind of weird superpowers?", Catherine asked Noah inconceivably. Her eyes looking into his, searching for some kind of confirmation.

"Not superpowers. Magic.", Noah pointed out.

"Right. Magic-", Catherine scoffed, "like that is believable", she rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"So my mother told you about this world. Right?", Catherine said, emphasizing on the words my and you.

"Y-yeah", Noah said reluctantly. Noah did not want to hurt Catherine' s feelings. Even though he could not image what it felt like being abandoned by your own mother, in many ways he had experienced something akin. Noah's parents were hardly around during his childhood. They were always off to work and used to leave him at Ms. Aritzvah's. He loved his parents dearly and understood that there must be some paramount reasons for their actions.

"Do you think we should tell about your mother to these people?", Noah asked.

"No. Definitely not.", Catherine said, her tone was stern and grave, staring into the sky outside of the opened window, her eyes brooding. The clouds were starting to clear in the sky and the sunlight was gazing down upon the barren land outside of the manor. At first glanced Catherine mistook it as a desert. But it was far from it, it was not a desert but a barren swathe with no signs of life anywhere near.

Catherine took a deep breath. It was all too much to take in. She wanted to spat at Noah, she wanted to shout at him and ask him to leave her alone. The very thought of Noah knowing her mother, being a recipient of her love and affection, made bile rise at the back of her throat. Her affliction grew at the thought of her mother nurturing and tending to a neighbor's kid for years, yet not thinking about her own daughter once.

Catherine gulped down her thought and tried o clear her head. "Do not tell anybody about Lorelai, Okay?", Catherine looked at Noah darkly, her eyes were grim.

"Okay", Noah said mumbled. He realized she was not okay with Noah talking about Ms. Aritzvah with Catherine. Noah did not want to cause her pain either. So he decided it is for the best of they try to evade any discussion about Ms. Aritzvah.

The door knob opened and another boy, this time, entered the room. He was about the same age as Noah, his sleek dark blonde hair combed back neatly. A little stubble of beard on his face. His chiseled jaw complemented the cheekbone, his beautiful sea blue eyes were covered in long eyelashes.

"Miss-", he bowed looking at Catherine, "Professor Grace wants to talk to you.", he said. His voice was deeper than one could anticipate by looking at him. The charm was oozing out from even the pettiest gestures of his. Catherine noticed his black boots, they weren't covered in dirt like that of Lynn. In fact they as clean as new.

"Please follow me", the boy said with a vacant expression.

Catherine looked at Noah, she did not know anything about this world, even though she had developed an aversion towards Noah, she knew only Noah could help her make sense of this world.

"Please wait outside, I will be there in a minute.", Catherine replied trying to put a smile of her lips, as if to ensure the boy of her gentle affairs.

The boy bowed and left the room. Noah noticed him marching outside the room, it was as if he had been trained to move sternly, all his movements were impeccable.

Catherine approached Noah ,limping towards him, even thought the pain was scarce as compared to earlier it still stung her when she put her foot down on the wooden floor of the room.

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