The New Cutie

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Today was a normal day for the Legends that fight in the Apex games. Everyone was hanging out at the base, conversing and relaxing. But today was very important, because today was the day that the new legend joins the rest of the legends to help and welcome the newcomer. Sitting on a couch were a couple of the legends hanging out forgetting that there would be a new fighter joining them some time today. The holographic trickster; Mirage was lounging on the couch, messing with a mini holograph of himself, next to him was the high-speed daredevil and adrenaline junky; Octane, sitting on the back of the couch, tuning his mechanical, prosthetic legs and toying with his stim injections that give him bursts of adrenaline. The rest of the legends were in the big lounge area, talking to each other, some waiting in anticipation for the new legend.

"What do you think this new legend is gonna be like?" Says Wattson as she sat with Wraith. She simply shrugged and examined her inter dimensional gauntlets while Wattson was practically sparking with curiosity and excitement. Octane could see Wattsons excitement from the other side of the room, he leaned down to Mirage as he shoved his prosthetic leg back on after tuning it. "Uhhh what's with Wattson amigo? What is she so excited about?" He asks. Mirage looks up at him and says "Oh, she's just excited about the new legend joining today." He says plainly. Octane then realized rather quickly, "Oh mierda! That's today?" He chuckles to himself. "You know compadre, I'm a bit curious about them too, do you know anything about them?" Asking Mirage as he pulls out a stim and injects it into himself, getting chills. "All I know is that the they're a girl." He says in a smooth tone. "Ohhhhhh, of course that's all you know." Octane went back to his addiction and went through his pack of stims.

About an hour later
Octane couldn't take the boredom, he sighed. "Ok, I'm bored now. When is she gonna be here amigo!" Mirage just shrugs and says "How am I supposed to know?" Then all of the sudden, they hear the announcer voice come on. "Attention Legends, a new legend has joined Apex. Please welcome Sasha (just using a name because I'm more use to that but think of your name if you'd like) A.K.A Shadow!" The big doors to the room opened up, the new legend walking inside. Wattson bolted up to her, barely making her jump "Hi! I'm Wattson! Welcome to Apex!" She said cheerfully. Octane and Mirage looked over, before they knew it, their mouths were gaping. She was beautiful, stunning. She had dark red hair that only reached her shoulders, part of covering one eye, her eyes were a deep, dark red, they looked scary but gorgeous at the same time, she had a tight jumpsuit kinda like Wraiths, making it hug her very sexy curves, but the arms had secret compartments for throwing knifes, the legs of the jumpsuit looked a little torn which Octane found attractive, and had black combat boots with a slight heel. A bunch of the guys were gawking at her as she entered, except for just a few, including Pathfinder, since he was just a robot, he just gave her his normal greeting "Hello Friend. I am Pathfinder. I can't wait to fight with you!" He says in that robotic but enthusiastic voice.

Octane was so shocked that he fell off the couch and landed on his back with his legs over him, just like he does when he blows opponents up. He jolted up from behind the couch and shook his head. "Wow, hello hermosa~" he said smoothly with his Mexican accent. He thought she was anything but boring, which made him even more into her. Mirage was already off the couch and introducing himself to her, being a smooth talk kiss up, giving her a kiss on the hand only making her cheeks a little rosy while making some of the other legends roll their eyes. "Names Mirage, has anyone ever told you you have beautiful eyes?" She gave him a side look and just replied saying "They don't get the chance to with me." Implying that people have only said that to avoid getting killed and did not succeed. Mirage began to get a little nervous and started to stutter a bit as she walked past and met the others, soon catching a glimpse of Octane, which made her smirk a little as she saw him.

(Octane's POV)
My heart was pounding as she turned to me and almost made me fall again. I waved to her and jumped off the couch, flipping a stim in my hand, making it flip in the air. "Hola! I'm Octavio but call me Octane." I said in my Latino accent. She then said "Nice to meet you Octavio. I'm Sasha, but you can call me by my legend name; Shadow if you'd like." She says with her little smirk, her smirk alone could drive me crazy, not to mention that rockin body of her's.

I kept on flipping one of my stims with one hand, as I quickly toss it up and catch it as I looked at Sasha. "So, what are your skills Amiga?" As I asked that, throwing knife fell out of Sasha's secret pocket on her shirt sleeve, she threw a throwing knife at my stim, making it fly back and stick to the wall behind me, the knife perfectly stabbed through the stim, the stims contents pouring out on the floor. I looked back at her and back at the knife and back at her again, quickly and a little shocked. My reaction made her giggle. That giggle is so cute. I chuckled and scratched the back of my neck. "Is that all?" I asked in a slightly taunting way.

Her eyes started to glow, making her red irises brighter, an aura emitted around the knife and it suddenly flew back to her, so fast past my head that I couldn't even see it. She twirled the knife in her fingers and then it started to float right above her hands, her fingers moving as the knife moved slowly in the air. She swiftly dropped it back in her secret pocket "Heh" she chuckled, good thing I had a mask on, because my cheeks were on fire, muy caliente. She was cool, not boring, just my type. I shook my head as I snapped out of my trance "Wow! Those are some cool power compadre!" As I started to talk to her, I could feel Mirage's annoyance through the crowd of Legends. He just wasn't that interesting to Sasha I guess. But I wonder, is she starting to have some feelings for me? Is that why she almost stared at me when she spotted me? Guess I'll have to find out. Hehe this gonna be quite the ride!
~Authors note~
Thank you for reading the first chapter of my first fanfic, I hope you liked it, please feel free to share this with others, and I will start working on the next chapter very very soon!

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