Going for Blue

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My lungs burned. I sucked in air through short, sharp breaths. My chest was heaving, but I couldn't stop running yet. They were right behind me, so close. If they catch me, I'm done for. My eyes focussed on a spot several hundred meters away and I knuckled down, running as fast as I could. Bursting with fresh but exhausted speed, I charged forwards. My pursuer groaned and slowed, realising they couldn't get me. I crossed the finish line and slowed down. Breath quickly returned to my lungs as I calmed myself, taking steady breaths.

The crowd's cheers were fire in my ears, and I laughed weakly. Groaning, I straightened up and walked from the running track. I hadn't done well in that race but hey, at least I ran.

Walking back to the stands, I grinned up at the crowd. Today is the athletics carnival and all of Treeline academy has gathered at the sporting fields. Mind you, Treeline doesn't have too many students, less than 300. Though, it's still a big event and some of the community comes to watch. My Dad is in the crowd somewhere; I think he came just to embarrass me.

"Gees, Briar, you really struggled in that race."

I rolled my eyes and smirked, turning to face Kenai. "I was holding back, just thought I'd let someone else win for once."

Kenai's brows rose as he grinned. "Oh, how generous of you, giving away something that was never yours."

I prepared a witty reply and was about to slap him with it when I heard a second voice behind me. I turned and spotted Dad, shuffling through the crowd to get to me. I waved to him before shifting back to Kenai but the Poochyena was halfway down the field.

"I'm getting food from the canteen, see you later!" He called loudly, struggling to be heard over the crowd.

My jaw hung halfway open as I stared in confusion. I watched him go for a moment before a paw on my shoulder caused me to turn. I spun around to find Dad smiling at me.

"Good race," he said, smiling.

"Thanks, I'm just glad I didn't come last."

Dad chuckled. "Ah, I see. Is that your plan for all the events, avoid last place?"

"I'll have you know I plan to take first in the lamp jump."

"Lamp jump?"

"Yep, that's it over there." I pointed across the field to where a tall blue wall stood. The wall was decorated with lots of different buttons, all plain black in colour. At the base of the wall a trampoline could be seen built into the ground.

"In the lamp jump you bounce off the trampoline and press buttons on the wall. The higher the button the more points it's worth. After you push a button it turns yellow for a few seconds and no one else can score by touching it. After a few seconds it turns black again and becomes fair game. Whoever has the most points after one minute, wins."

Dad looked at me with worry. "What happens if you fall off?"

I bit my lip and shrugged. "Uh... Just don't?"

"Yeah, tell me how that works for you."

I rolled my eyes. "Dad, it'll be fine. We practiced at school and it's so much fun."

"Of course, you've practiced this, everyone practices lamp jump!" He drawled sarcastically.

"No, practice is optional."

Dad rolled his eyes at my genuine response. "When does it start?" He asked, checking the large clock hanging above the bleachers.

"Roughly two hours' time."

"Okay, I'll see you then, there's something I need to take care of at work quickly, but I'll be back. Have fun."

"Thanks, you too." I waved to Dad as he walked away, quickly merging with crowd.

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