Chapter 41: It's Not What It Looks Like

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I walked out of the house and immediately the warm July breeze hit my face. I was ready to tackle the day.

Ansel asked Kaitlyn to go with him back to New York and of course she had to say yes! If she would have said no I would have made her go anyways, she needed to get away from here.

Lexi went back to Georgia where her and Bryanne were living.

I decided to go and have some me time before I headed back to Texas to see my family, I missed them so much. Today I was going to go shopping, buy some books, buy some new clothes, etc.

I walked to my car and got in. I started the engine and the radio came on and my favorite Taylor Swift song came on.

"We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it..." I sang along to every lyric.

I went to Starbucks and got me a Caramel Frappe, then I went to the mall.

Lately Austen has been distancing himself from me. He keeps getting these phone calls and texts, and he always acts so weird when he gets them.

We hadn't seen each other in a week because he's been "busy."

I really didn't believe it but I just let it go.

I walked around the mall, got some ice cream from Marble Slab, and got some new clothes. It was nice being here by myself.

I had a couple fans notice me, not many though. I told them not to tell anyone I was there at the moment, I didn't want a mob of people surrounding me.

I went into Barnes & Noble and bought Insurgent, Allegiant, and Four, the rest of the books in the Divergent series.

After leaving the mall I decided to go get my nails done. As I was driving Kaitlyn called me.

"Hey girly what's up?" I say answering the phone.

"Sophie there's something I gotta tell you." Her voice was shaking

"Kaitlyn what is it?"


"Spit it out."

"I'm just gonna say it," She breathed. "Austen's cheating on you with my friend Zoe."


"Soph I'm so sorry. I was talking to her the other day and she was telling me about this guy who asked her out and I asked his name and she said Austen."

"That doesn't mean anything. There's a million different Austen's."

"Do they all spell it the same way? Or do they all have blonde hair and green eyes? I also asked for a description."

"I can't believe you. I'm finally over Justin and I finally find someone else and you just wanna ruin it for me? I thought you were my friend."

I hung up the phone and pulled into the Nail Salon parking lot.

I was furious. Why would she lie about that? I mean I know she doesn't like him anymore but really? I would never do that to her.

I walked inside, made my appointment, chose a color and sat down.

After that I decided to go to Austen's to see if he wanted to hang out before I headed back home.

I parked the car in the parking lot and walked to his apartment door.

I knocked and opened the door like usual, and when I did my heart dropped to my stomach.

A girl was sitting on Austen's lap, her hands tangled in his hair. They were making out.

Suddenly I couldn't breathe and I went to reach for something to hold on to, but my hands landed on a vase that was on the coffee table and it crashed to the floor.

Startled, Austen pushed the girl off his lap and she fell back onto the floor.

I ran out as fast as I could to my car. I could hear Austen calling my name telling me to stop.

As I reached my car, he caught up to me.

"Soph, it's not what it looks like-" He started.

"Not what it looks like? It looks to me like you were mackin' on some other girl. Please indulge me with your explanation, I would love to hear why she was on your lap."

He just looked at me. He knew he couldn't lie his way out of this one.

"How long has this been going on?"

Again he just looked at me, not saying a word.


I was screaming now, not caring who heard. Hot tears streamed down my face.

"About 2 weeks after we started dating." He whispered.

"I hope you have fun with your new girl," I rolled my eyes. "Because we are so done."

I got in the car and sat there for a couple seconds trying to calm myself down.

Suddenly I heard a knock at my window.

It was Austen. I rolled my eyes, started the car and before he could move out of the way I ran over his foot.

Oooooooo Austen cheated on Sophie??? What?????


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