Chapter 6: Family Drama

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Justin, Ryen and I were in the TV room playing with Colby. At first Colby was scared of Justin but once he got down on the floor and played with some of the toys, Colby loved him and wouldn't let him go anywhere.

Me and Ryen were watching them and laughing.

"Hey remember what my brother said about Justin?" she asked quietly.

"Um not really..." I said trying to remember.

"He said that if he ever saw Justin he would beat him up...."

"Well then he won't see him. And if he does we will stop him. He won't touch my best friend." I replied, it all started coming back to me.


I was sitting in the very same spot one day while visiting my grandma with Ryen, Andy, his son Garrett, and my aunt Crystal. I was listening to Justin's music and he started asking me why I liked him, and talking about the bad stuff he's done, and then he said the words that hurt the most..."if I ever see that punk I am going to kick his butt."

*End of flashback*

"Hey Jay I'm going to get a drink do you want one?" I asked him wiping off the tears that were starting fall before he could see.

"Um yea uhhhh Coke please, Princess?" I smiled.

I don't have a clue why he calls me that but hey I'm not complaining!!


"I will have a Coke too please!!" Ryen yelled.

"I didn't ask you but whatever." I said laughing while walking to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge when Andy closed it and spun me around.

"I know he's here. You can't hide him forever." he said angrily

"Well your not gonna touch him. You will have to go through me. I will do everything in my power to keep you away from him. He didn't do anything to you, he is playing with my nephew right now so you can turn your butt around and go play the white elephant game."

I said while grabbing the drinks and going back to the TV room.

"Everything okay Soph?" Justin asked

"Yeah, you took awhile! I was dying of thirst!!" Ryen said agreeing with Justin.

"Yup everything is fine!! I had to wait because all the drinks were gone and Uncle Doug had to refill them." I lied smoothly.

"But Ryen I need you to come help me get some food, Justin you have Colby?"

"Yup! He is so cute!!" Justin said smiling. I melted.

We walked out the room and back into the kitchen filling bowls up with Shrimp Étouffée and Chicken and Sausage gumbo.

"Your brother isn't gonna touch Justin." I whispered to her

"How do you know? Wait is that what took you so long?" She asked.

"Yeah... he came to me while I was getting them and threatened me with hurting him and I told him off." I shrugged.

"Go Sophie! I never knew this side off you!! I kinda like it!" She whisper yelled.

"Yup well when it comes to Justin I get that way, You knew that."

"Oh yea... oops I forgot." she laughed.

We went back with the food and Colby saw it and came straight to me.
"Hey Colbster you hungry?" I asked him and he nodded.

I put the food down and went to get the high chair.

"Hey mom is the high chair in your car?"

"Yeah sweetie but its kinda heavy might wanna get your boyfriend with big muscles to go get it" She winked referring to Justin.

I laughed "Whatever!"

I went to get Justin anyways cause I wanted to talk to him since we haven't in like 2 hours.

"Hey Jay wanna help me get the high chair for Colby?" I asked him.

"Sure!! Ryen watch him please." and we left the room to my moms car.

"Colby giving you any trouble?" I asked him.

"Nope he kinda reminds me of Jaxon. His laugh is adorable." he said popping open the back of my moms car and getting out the high chair.

"Yeah he is usually attached to me when people he doesn't know are here but today I guess is different the only time he acknowledged me is when I had food..." I said sadly.

"Sophie I'm not meaning to take him away from you I will let him play with you for a bit." he told me.

We were walking back now.

"Yeah that would be cool, I guess I mean it was fun watching y'all. It makes me smile."

"Aw I'm missing your smile!! Darn."

"Oh shut up you cheeseball." I told him.

We got back to the room I put Colby in the high chair and started feeding him some of my Shrimp Étouffée.

Ryen put in Brother Bear and we all started watching it. After Colby was done he started whining. I got him out and picked him up.

"Justin watch this. What do you want Colby?"

He started pointing and we followed where he was pointing. He lead us to the kitchen so I put him down. He pointed up to the cabinet so I put him on the counter and he opened it and grabbed the sippy cup that was in there.

"Wow he's a smart kid. How did he know that was in there?" Justin asked.

"My grandma keeps him while Isabelle's at work and she takes him in here to pick out what he wants after his nap." I replied and smiled.

"I always say I can't believe he's this smart when his parents aren't." I said and we both laughed. Since we were laughing Colby did too.

"Alright buddy you already have some juice so let's go find it." I grabbed him off the counter and he started crying.

"Justin put the baby gate up." he did and Colby started bawling.

I hurried up and grabbed his juice and handed it to him and he immediately started drinking and wanted in my arms

"Wow your really good with him." Justin said staring at me wide eyed.

"Yea I come over almost everyday in the summer and help my grandma take care of him." I said looking down at Colby.

"Would you like to sit down? I could get up and sit in your lap."

"Sure." I got up with Colby still in my arms and Justin sat down in my grandpas chair and I sat on his lap.

Hopefully this will be us one day with our own baby. I started smiling and Justin looked at me weird.

"Why are you smiling?" he asked.

"Nothing." I replied blushing.

"Okay.." he said it like he didn't believe me but he wasn't gonna ask anything else.

I hope that thought would come true and maybe it will. Never Say Never right? ;)


hey guys I got really bored and decided to update. Thank you for all the reads and votes. I really didn't think the story would make it this far. :)

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