When he sat down next to her and his hand brushed her leg her body thrummed and she bit her lip. She moved a bit closer to the side of the couch.

It didn't help.

"I'm going to go shower." She announced, standing up quickly. I might be a while.

He said something in response and she didn't listen, rushing upstairs. She locked the bathroom door and braced her back against it, trying to calm herself. Instead, her brain churned up nasty images of her and Tristan in bed together.

She shook her head and stripped off her clothes, stepped under the shower spray before it had even warmed up.

Jesus, no!

Her skin was hypersensitive, even as she waited for the water to heat the sensation was too much to bear, and not the right kind. It felt like overload. Every water droplet was sin to her skin. The rubbing of the towel was even worse. She decided to wash her hair in the sink and just go to bed.

When she got out, dressed in her skimpiest pajamas, Tristan was waiting expectantly. "I told you a shower would only make it worse."

She grumbled, stole his brush and ran it through her hair. "What, aren't you going to try to touch me or something?"

He analyzed his nails. "Tempting, but no. You're going to have to ask."

She sat on the bed. "I'm never asking you."

He looked at her closely. "You're going to bed?"

She gave him the finger.

He shrugged. "Suit yourself. I'll come up in a couple hours." Tristan smirked as he rolled his back off the doorframe. "Just holler if you need me."

She turned off the light and fell into a fitful, dream-filled sleep.


Christine woke up alone the next morning. Oh, jeez... no pants, panties soaked and askew. She flushed bright red just looking at the mess.

Swallowing hard, she got up and changed. Chrissy needed to get far, far away from Tristan and occupy herself. Physically.

More of her stuff had trickled in from home. She grabbed her old running shoes and shorts and went downstairs to find that Tristan had fallen asleep on the couch.

He woke up upon hearing her footsteps. "Hey." He muttered. "Uh. I think if we slept in the same bed I would have fucked you in your sleep."

"Well," she put her hands on her hips, trying to ignore his pull, "asleep me would not have objected. I'm going to go on a run. I guess..."

"See you later?" He offered, rising up on his elbows. His brows furrowed. "Have you eaten anything?" Tristan's gaze fell to her exposed legs, obviously daydreaming about them.

"Nope!" She chirped. "Bye!"

With that, she headed out the door. Chrissy found a random path and started on it. Usually she could run five or six miles without a problem but after feeling like she was about to pass out, she checked her pace counter on her phone to find she had only run two. It wasn't even that hot outside. Shaking it off as lack of practice, she decided to walk her way back and spend as much time as possible outside.

Chrissy started planning more things to use in avoiding Tristan for the whole day. Her list came up short at visiting her brothers and sparring with them. Though she wasn't that worried, they had spent hours talking just yesterday. Her and Alex certainly had more to talk about. They could also spend some of the day tracking down Ryn and Jasper.

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