Chapter 8 (Alternate)

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

I go with Ashley to see them out. The guy had given Chris a shot gun. "Hey, come back safe." Ash says, then kisses him. My jaw drops. They smile as they break. I punch his shoulder lightly. "First, nice! Second, you better come back, or so help me, I'll resurrect you and kill you again." He nods. "We need to hurry son." "I'll see you soon." Chris says to us. Ashley closes the door behind them. "If he gets hurt, I'm gonna kill him." I mumble. She smiles softly at me. "I believe in them." She says optimistically. We wait a few minutes at the door for them, when the worst happens. Chris' head rolls over to the door. I scream which mixes with a sob. "Noooo! Chris!" I scream. Ashley starts to cry. "No... Chris!" Mike walks comes up to us, huddling by the door, bawling our eyes out.

"Oh my... Oh Jesus Christ... oh my.." Mike says as he sees what we see. "Fuck! Chris! Noo! Please! PLEASE, NO!" I sob, pounding a hand on the door. "Oh my God... Chris..." I put my forehead to the glass, squeeze my eyes shut, sliding down to the floor, and let the tears fall. Mike grabs me. "Okay, let's go... Let's get down to the basement. Hey! Stay with me... Stay with me, Ash..." He starts moving away, and I struggle against him in a futile attempt back to Chris. "No, please! Chris! Oh god! No, fuck! That's my brother. Nooooo! No!" I sob.

I keep struggling as Mike drags me to the basement. "Guys, oh thank God!" Emily huffs. "What's wrong?" Sam asks. I pull away from Mike, sitting on the ground in a corner, and sob. "It's... not good up there." Mike looks at me sadly. "What? What do you mean?" Emily asks. "Mike, where's Chris?" Ashley and I start to cry harder. I bury my face in my hands. "Oh no." "Oh God..." "He didn't... He was out there, and..." Mike says. "I'm so sorry, (Y/n)...Ashley... What about the old guy?" Sam asks. "No sign of him. I think... He's gotta be dead, too." Mike says. "Oh Christ..." Emily mumbles. My brother is gone, oh god, oh god, oh god... I should have protected him. I failed him...

These all the doors?" Mike asks. "Yeah." "Are you sure?" "What are you looking for?" "Another way out." Mike says. "Mike... I really don't think that's a good idea. We should stay put, right here, until dawn." I suggest quietly from the ground, my voice hollow. "Oh? Yeah? All wrapped like a little present with a bow on top for that thing to tear us apart on Christmas morning?" Mike says. I flinch. He sighs, and sits with me, hugging me tight. "People will come for us. In the morning." Sam says calmly. "You don't sound so sure." Mike says.

"That's what'll happen, right Em?" "Yeah, I mean... right?" "Well, you can wait, I'm getting us out of here!" "Mike, there's no key for the cable car." "Josh. He's gotta have it." Mike says. "Dammit Mike, you're gonna get yourself killed!" I shout, still crying. He grabs my hand. "No I won't. I promise. Because I promised to protect you." He reassures. "If that fucking thing got a hold of Josh, then... we're shit outta luck." I mumble. "It may have taken him down to the mine." Emily suggests. "What?" "I saw some horrible stuff down there... I think it's where that thing lives and..." Emily says. "Fuck it. I'm gonna get that key. Right from thing's goddamned bedroom, and then I'm gonna get us all the hell out of here." Before I can protest, Sam speaks. "Em, what is all that?" "It's that old guy's bag." She replies.

"Is that a map?" "The guy was prepared for anything." Sam notices. "Not quite." Mike says grimly. "What is this place?" "Wait wait wait. What is that?" Sam point at a place on the map. "I was down there. It was horrible." Emily cries. "You were?" Sam asks. "Some of them survived, but like... fifteen of 'em didn't make it. There was this reporter and I think he figured out there had been some, like, big cover-up going on. I found these plans - they knew the mines was a death trap, but they let the miners keep working anyway. And... I'm not sure what it means, but... I found this chair, with dried blood all over the place... like somebody'd been tortured." Mike recounts. "Michael, I'd like to maybe focus on how we're going to get the fuck out of here please?" Emily snaps. "I'm just saying it's weird how much crazy shit's gone up here."

"What's weird is there's a tunnel leading from the lodge to the Sanatorium, see?" Emily points on the map. "That's how I got back here." Mike says, standing to join everyone at the table. I stay sitting. "I saw this when I was down there. That's where it lives." Emily decides. "Em, what is that?" Ashley asks. "...huh?" "What is that?" "Ash..." "Em... oh my God oh my God oh my God! Oh no, oh no, oh no!" "It's nothing, it bit me and-" "It bit you? What bit you?" They all start backing away from Emily. "The ah... the Wendigo. It's nothing, really, it's not a big a deal. It doesn't hurt anymore. Really. It's not that bad." She insists. I try to keep my anxiety under control, breathing in and out. "Em... If that thing bit you..." Mike starts. "I know what you're thinking, and I'm fine..." "Are you?" "Yes!" "Emily, at least let us check it out." Sam decides, being rational.

"Emily, if the Wendigo bit you... You could turn into one of those things." Mike worries. "Oh that's ridiculous!" Sam snaps. "He said it was from eating each other, remember he said that!" Ashley says, freaking out. "Wait is that how it worked?" Sam asks. "Yes! It happens if it bit you, you're gonna turn into one and then you're gonna turn on us oh my God oh my God oh my God!" Ashley panics. "No, no, calm down guys. He said if you eat a human. Cannibalism. He said nothing about a bite. Let's not jump to conclusions." I say, standing now, determination to stop needless deaths filling me. Emily looks at me. She seems...grateful. "You can't be down here with us." Mike says. "What?!" Emily shrieks. "Mike! Stop!" I shout. He glances at me. "You gotta go." He says quietly. "Are you kidding me?!" "You're putting us all in danger!" "Like hell I am!" "Emily... you can't stay here!" Tears continue falling from my eyes as I freak out.

"Mike, just cool your head okay? We don't know if it works like that. Maybe it's just a bite." Sam suggests. "What is this. Guys? What are you doing?" "Door's right here. I am letting you do this voluntarily." "Oh no you're just making yourself feel better about sending me to my death since you know there's a Wendigo out there rip me to pieces like it did with-" "Oh my God will you just go! Go, get out of here!" Ashley interrupts. Mike grabs a gun from a table and points it at Emily. "Mike, no!" Emily backs up, climbing onto a table. "oh You're going to shoot me? Mike... me?" She exclaims. "This is the safe room, Em!" His voice cracks like he's going to cry. I know he doesn't want to do this. "It's not safe as long as you're in it... Not for us!"

"No... Don-Don't do this!" She pleads. I place a shaky hand over my mouth. "Mike, please, don't..." I whisper. I can't see more blood spilt. His hand shakes, but then he points it away. "Fuck... I can't do this." He sighs. "Oh my God." Emily breathes. "You did the right thing." Sam says. "I hope you did." Ashley mutters. "Maybe... for now. Shit... fuck fuck." Mike runs his hands over his head. "Keep an eye on her. If you see anything weird... you guys know what to do." Mike instructs. "No one leave. Okay? It's not safe out there. I'll be back soon." "Mike, Wait! I'm coming with you." I announce. "No, you are staying here." "You shouldn't go alone." "I can't risk you in danger." "Well neither can I. Either we both go, or no one goes." "(Y/n), you need to stay here and rest. You just... you just went through what Josh has, but I'm going to make sure you are okay." I shake my head. "Then let's go burn them to the ground." I growl. Mike sighs. "Stay close, okay?" I nod. "Okay." Together we leave the basement.

Waiting Until Dawn {Mike Monroe x Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن