Chapter 1

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Your outfit ^^

(Y/n) P.O.V.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Chris asks. "I know you were pretty-" "I'm fine." I respond. "I'm just saying, you-" "I said I'm fine, Chris. Besides we're already here." The cable car comes up. "Come on." I say, purposely making my voice happier to trick him. I was truthfully by very nervous. Not only do I have to see Mike, but also Josh. I told them that it was me that saw them over the cliff, not the man. I didn't know why, I just couldn't. Josh was obviously pissed at me, and always looks at me with contempt. I'm surprised I was even invited. "I'll catch up. I want to look around." He decides. "Oh, finally letting me go out on my own." I tease. He is very protective, and never lets me do anything without me knowing. "Or maybe your waiting for Ashley?" I say innocently. He scowls. "No, I just wanna look around." He insists. "Sure. I'll catch ya later." I get on the car, and ride up in an anxious silence. Am I ready to do this again? Be here again? After the incident, I felt responsible for it. I lost contact with everyone besides Chris obviously. He had been helping me cope with it. I went to therapy for a small time, just to talk it out. It helped a little, but there's still a hole in my heart.

Everyone left me alone for the most part, honestly I'm pretty sure everyone's kinda against me, sending a text or two every now and again, but with Mike it was constant. We were really close, but I can't easily for forgive him for this prank. I miss him, but also hate him. It's confusing. He told me about everything that was happening, how he broke up with Emily, how his family was doing, how he wished I would respond, how he didn't blame me. God, it was hard to not talk to him, but also hard to talk to him. I don't know if I'm relieved or scared when the car stops. I hate going across that chasm, but also am not ready to face to music. And what's worse, as soon as I step foot onto the snow, I see Mike. And he sees me. "Hey (Y/n)." He smiles meekly. I give a tight smile back. I can't help but appreciate the smile though.

Everyone saw the fuckboy side of Mike. The cocky smirk and sneak around, flirty attitude. But with me, he let me see the real him. The real smiles and softie, boyfriend material side of him. He put on an image because he wasn't as secure of himself as people think he is. He is more confident then most people, don't get me wrong, but he does get a bit self conscious sometimes. Sometimes I wished he'd let other people see it, but I also feel special for being the one to see it.

"Back to this hellhole, huh?" "I wouldn't call it a hellhole" He mutters. "Oh, but I would." I snap harshly. He almost flinches. "(Y/n), I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to get out of hand like that..." I cut him off. "I know. But I can't believe you would ever think of doing that. It's cruel!" He looks away in shame. "And then...seeing what I saw...I..." "I'm sorry." He says again. "It's not me you should have apologized to." I say, hot tears threatening to spill. I didn't know how to feel about him. I was so completely in love with him, maybe I still am, but they were my best friends. I just wish everything could have been different. "(Y/n), please. I regret what I did everyday. I do. I didn't mean for it to go the way it did, or for it to go as far as it did. I know I can't ever make up for it, but at least let me fix some of my mistakes." I look at his pitiful expression. "And I'm sorry that you were the one who had know."

"You were always one of my closest friends Mike, you still are really, but you used how she felt against her. And I'm terrified that-" I cut myself off. "Terrified of what?" He asks with concern. "Forget it. Let's just have a fun weekend okay? I haven't forgiven you, but how about you use this weekend to change that?" I mumble half heartedly. He pulls me into a hug. "Thank you." I shake me head a little, but smile and push him back a bit. "Yeah, well.... should we head to the lodge?" I ask. "The only person I was waiting for is already here." He whispers. "Really, no new girlfriend to go seduce." I tease, but silently hurt. "Nah, I'm good." He decides.

"Munroe, you back away from my sister right now!" A muffled voice speaks. We turn to the car to see Chris and Sam. I roll my eyes. Chris knew about how I felt, and absolutely hated the fact. Especially after the incident. I can't say I blame him. I'm also scared that he might do the same to me. Marginally though. We back away as the two leave the car. Chris glares at Mike despite normally being a being jokester and happy person. Mike never does pick up on why Chris is so much more aggressive towards him with me. "Hey guys." I say to diffuse the situation. "Ready to get to the lodge?" Sam nods. "So ready." She smiles.

I pick up my bag. "Right, me and Sam are going to go." Sam and I start walking. "It's good to see you, I didn't think you'd come." She says, though it's a bit awkward. I shrug. "Yeah, me neither." I say. "Good to see you too by the way." She smiles. We walk to the cabin, talking in an almost forced manner, meeting up with Ashley and Matt once we get there. "Hey, Guys." I say, now in a better mood.

Mike P.O.V.

"Okay, I'm just going to say it. Don't get near my sister this weekend. Your my friend, but she comes first." Chris demands. I put my hands up. "Chris, I would never hurt her. I learned how bad things can go last year." I say solemnly. He gives me a hard look. Does he know? "Look, I know your protective, but she can make her own decisions." He huffs. "She had a rough year, alright? I don't want you to make it worse. She's always going to be my little sister. It's my job to protect her. Especially from guys like you." Does that mean... "I get it, but I'm not going to stop talking to her. She's my friend." Chris rolls his eyes. "So was Hannah." I hear him mutter as he leaves. Damn...

Waiting Until Dawn {Mike Monroe x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang