Pretty in rope

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-Author's note- the top picture is how i image her.  Enjoy c:

                                                                Chapter 1

*malonas POV*

Malona…….. You can’t leave


Malona….. I won’t let you



My eyes shot open staring into the darkness of my room. My heart beat accelerated; sweat clung to my skin drenching me and the polka dot sheets covering my queen sized bed.  I ran my fingers through my damp hair trying to remind myself where I was and that I was safe…. Safe at least for now.  My head still couldn’t wrap it’s self around my escape from my former master Edward Theo. This man, for 5 years, had made my life a living hell performing his sick sadistic desires on me for pleasure. Which I had been somewhat open for I was just not prepared for how I was thrust into the life of a submissive and I was definitely not prepared for the emotional trauma I endured.

Swinging my feet over the side of bed, I flipped my phone over to silence the annoying blare of my alarm.  Oddly it was comforting I’d much rather take my alarm than that of the screams of a drunken dominant. He’d come home from parties smelling of sweat and shame rambling on about how I would never amount to that of his first submissive Caroline. She had died by his hand a six years back, before I had arrived, from his sick obsession with knife play and burning. From my knowledge she put up with it blinded by her love and the lie she told herself. He’d get better.

A chuckle escaped my lips “he’d get better” my eyes rolled as a knock pounded on my door “mal come on we’re gonna be late for our appointment “a husky voice called “don’t make me come in there”. A smirk plastered itself on my face. “If you do that we’ll never get there” I chimed back standing up out of bed. My door slowly opened revealing a well-toned, shirtless, 6’7 Adonis of my best friend turned boyfriend Nathanial cobs; my sweetheart best friend since second grade. “Oh well get there on time you’ll just have a few love marks to show off” he murmured taking a few strides across the room scoop up my 5’4 thin frame up. A small giggle escaped me as he spun me in his arms. “Nat put me down! “ I squealed, lightly hitting his arm. His eyes narrowed before his expression turned blank “Nat?” I questioned looking up at him. Nat simply made his way back to my queen sized bed and gently set me down

“Nat…?” I questioned again. His expression slipped into seduction as he climbed on top of my body pinning my arms high above my head “yes kitten?” he purred running his nose along my jaw. A small blush spotted my checks “Nat…we’re going to be l-“I let out a small gasp as teeth sunk into my shoulder. “We’re going to be what kitten?” he murmured along my shoulder placing small kisses around the bite before moving to my chest his knee spreading my legs.

I smiled slipping my hand out of his grip running down his chest slowing the pace over his abs. I felt his body tense up to the feather light touch over his skin. My fingers made their way down to the sexy v that his sweat pants so graciously showed off. “We’re going to be late.” I whispered nibbling his ear gently gaining a small grunt from the action. “Fine, but when we get back I’m taking you all over this house” he mumbled placing a few more kisses on my neck before sliding off of me.

“No pouting buttmunch" i kissed his neck a few times wrapping my arms around his torso. “I promise to make it up to you when we get back. How about lunch? Burgers and me?" I whispered in his ear. I felt his hand on my arm patting it gently. “Sounds delicious I’ll be sure to save my appetite for the second lunch” he whispered back gripping my arms as he stood with me dangling from his torso “ come on lets hop in the shower “ Nat smirked dragging me into the our pale grey bathroom. It was nothing grand, but I would take this over any grand bathroom if it meant my life remained normal and happy I thought letting go of Nat my feet hitting the cool tiles below.

“You know I love you right..?” Nat said his eyes burrowing into mine the passion sparking behind them. “I know. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I…. I too” I stammered out. A smile broke out on his face as he turned from me starting up the shower.

My eyes scanned his back for someone so big his touch was surprisingly gently he rarely ever showed any anger unless of course you threaten what or who he loves.  He, however, had a dominant aspect though it only showed when we were intimate. I guess it’s more as a reassurance of control since he barely survived when I was taken he wanted to know I was there always and forever.

Nat slipped out of his sweat pants, he almost never wore anything under. “Ahem” my eyes shot up to Nat a cocky smile played on his lips. “Like what you see?” he cooed pulling me closer. A blush splattered my cheeks “I’m not answering I don’t want to feed your ego” I muttered hiding my face. His hands traveled up my back quickly unzipping the nightgown I wore.

“I don’t need you to tell me. Your moans are enough” he whispered unhooking my bra tossing it on the counter. He placed light kisses down my shoulder sending shivers down my spine. My eyes narrowed digging my fingers into his sides. He tensed up pulling me closer growling softly in my ear ripping off the lace panties that hugged my body. “I always preferred you naked” he murmured moving us both into the shower.

The shower head had been installed into the ceiling; a little thing Nat had picked up on his travels. I don’t know why he liked it, but it made him happy. Blinking the water away from my eyes as I looked up at Nat my chest felt tight not painful, but more from my heart swelling from the joy he brought to me.

“What?’ he asked pulling me closer running his hand to the small of my back resting for a few seconds before making a trip back up?

“Nothing I’m just really grateful you found me when you did. I was on the verge of caving to that monster.” I explained simply resting my hand on his chest where his heart rest. My fingers rubbed small circles capturing my eyes attention for a moment.

It remained silent for an endless amount of time and it felt just ok with me. He didn’t need to say anything for me to know what was going on in his mind. Sadly knowing him that well I knew the flashbacks were very emotional and hard for him to come to peace with even after a year of my escape.

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