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pleeeeeeasssse don't hate me I had major writers block, but I have time now to sit and write so yay more updates wooooo. UNEDITED A/N-----


Nate had left before  I'd woken which is fine he needed to go to work we have bills to pay. " Where is... oh there it is " I mumble to myself grabbing the tablet. I stared at it for a while debating whether I should record or write it all down. I shrugged settling on recording. It was a lot easier and way faster to say it than it was to type in her opinion. " Now where is the charger, I swear to glob I'd lose my had if it wasn't attached to me" I groaned searching through drawers before finding a charger that fit.

After setting up a makeshift tablet stand and plugging it in I grab my favorite wheely chair , yes wheely chair fight me, and my blanket slightly dreading this recording. Every memory hurt, the scars on her back burned a little when she thought about it for too long. " Cool it Mel you're safe, he's not here, you're fine" I closed my eyes forcing myself to digging through the unwanted memories to find where I had left of. "Oh yeah the whole kidnapping thing in the forest" I mumbled pressing record. "Well..."


I let out an unsavory groan half from sleep and half from trying to figure out what was bruising my back. "what the.." I choked out as my eyes fluttered open coming face to face with steel bars and unforgiving fluorescent lighting. The prison was only 4ft wide and about 7ft tall. Enough room to barely move around. I sighed sitting up just enough to examine myself for any wounds. Luckily there were only a few bruises, but I could live with that. What I couldn't live with was the difference in my clothing. Who had undressed me seen me bare and exposed and what had they done to me?. The thin cream fabric  dress over my body did little to hide any curves or leave anything to the imagination" Who the hell.." I grumbled , my hands flying to head as a sharp pain attacked me from the memories flooding back in. My thoughts settled on the image of my mother laying lifeless on the ground blood staining the beige carpeting in the living room " mom no.." unholy  sobs rippled through my core there was no hiding the pain riddled on my face.  I beat the ground till my bruised and tore trying to numb my pain with another.

" Don't do that you shouldn't hurt yourself" A soft voice said snapping me from my anguish " You're far too pretty to be this upset, sadness doesn't do you any justice" it continued. My face scrunched up in repulsion recognizing the voice " you... you did this to me. Where the hell am I?" I screamed straining my frayed vocal cords.

" Sweetie you're where you belong" he answered simply finding some amusement in my cracking voice. I didn't answer trying to focus in on the room well dungeon to be more precise. There were no windows nothing to give any indication if it was day or night. There were body restraints, chains, what looked to be medieval torture devices strung careless on the walls and floors. " Why are you keeping me in this weirdo slave basement? It for real looks like you've been torturing people down here for some zombie apocalypse experiment " I said a flare of attitude and courage taking control.

The man stepped out from what little shadow the room offered his eyes scanning the injuries i caused myself. I tensed up feeling my sarcastic self come back up to the surface " if you're gonna stare you should buy a girl dinner first. it's only right " I snickered earning a small snarl from mark. I shrugged it off He already took my life and my mother away from me what else could he take? He crossed the room in about 3 strides anger clearly written across his face " you need to close your mouth before i do." He threatened fumbling around with the keypad that locked the ceil. When he finally got his oafish fingers to type he swung the cage door open grabbing me by my wrists. " you're mine" He growled dragging me out of the cage.

" The hell I am " I screamed biting into his wrist drawing blood. " SON OF A BITCH WHAT THE HELL " he screamed losing his grip enough for my hand to sleep though. " Later ho" I mumbled sprinting out of the room into a Frankenstein style hallway " He really does live in the dark ages huh ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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