"your lips taste sweeter than these cupcakes."

"oh shut up.", taehyung giggles and hits jeongguk's chest playfully.

taehyung puts the cupcake to the side to wrap his arms around jeongguk's neck and kiss him properly. and it doesn't take them long to start a whole make out session.

jeongguk lifts taehyung up by his ass and lets him down on the counter, not breaking the kiss while doing so.

"mhh, gguk."

"what is it baby?"

"we had no sex for so long."

jeongguk groans at taehyung's words, kissing him hungrily.

"then it's time again.", he says and carries taehyung to the bedroom.


"tae.", jeongguk says as they're both laying in bed naked and cuddling.

"hm?", he asks, his head on jeongguk's bare chest, drawing small circles with his finger.

"i love you."

"i love you too.", taehyung giggles.

"why are you laughing?", jeongguk asks.

"no reason, it's just.. we say it so often to each other."

"you don't like it?", jeongguk asks, kind of scared. he doesn't want to annoy taehyung by telling him too often that he loves him. and the thought that he's maybe already doing that, makes him nervous.

"noo, i love it.", taehyung says and jeongguk smiles, feeling relieved.

"you know? we can never know what will happen. it could be that something bad happens to one of us and then we'll regret that we didn't say it more often. so you can say it as much as you want, i don't mind.", taehyung giggles.

but jeongguk is serious.

"i couldn't stand it if something happened to you.", jeongguk says as he stares at the wall and strokes taehyung's hair.

"me neither.", taehyung just says.

"you know... you were in so much pain and i couldn't do anything. it killed me.", jeongguk says and taehyung knows exactly what he's talking about.

"baby, you couldn't to anything. that's the thing about physical pain. and it was also no fun for me to see you stabbed.", taehyung says and jeongguk smiles.

"it's like.. i wanted to have your pain, y'know? so that you wouldn't have to feel it no more."

"yeah, that's what i was thinking.", jeongguk replies and taehyung smiles at that.



"after school.. i want to go to university."

"really? but you know you don't have to, right? i have enough money and i would give it all to you." taehyung smiles at his cute words.

"no baby, it's not because of the money. i want to study psychology."

"psychology?", jeongguk asks interested.

"yeah. i want to do something, you know? i don't want to stay at home all day, i mean... i really like staying at home with you but after years doing nothing it would get boring."

"of course baby. you can do whatever you want and your grades are so good, we will find a good university for you."

"but some are really expensive-"

jeongguk cuts him off. "don't worry about that.", he says and then taehyung nods.

"psychology? i never knew you were interested in it."

"i know.. but i kinda always was. i also used to read books about it and for two years i had it in school as a subject."

"hmm, and want do you want to do exactly? like.. do you want to become a psychologist?", jeongguk asks.

"i thought about that many times but if i'm being honest, i don't think i could handle that, you know? then i have to treat people with depression or other shit and imagine one of my patients kills himself or something. i would blame myself."

"tae, that wouldn't be your fault, i'm sure you would give your best in your job and be the best psychologist ever-"

taehyung smiles but still cuts him off. "listen to me."

jeongguk waits for him to continue.

"i want to become a teacher."

jeongguk didn't expect that to be honest.

"there are just a few schools that have psychology as a subject, simply because there aren't enough teachers. and i think it's a great job because otherwise children never get the chance to learn anything about it and never get to even know if they're interested in it, y'know?"

"i understand. that's a great idea baby. you as a teacher? you love children anyway, right?"

"yeah.", taehyung giggles.

"they will all call you mr. jeon one day."

taehyung's eyes fill with tears at these unbelievably cute words. just the imagination of it, makes his heart warmer and fills him with pure joy.

"are you crying?", jeongguk asks and taehyung shakes his head but right now his tears find their way down his cheeks.

jeongguk chuckles at that and wraps his arms tighter around taehyung and pulls him even closer than before.

"we will live in a beautiful house, near the beach. i will wake you up with kisses every morning and drive you to university and pick you up again. i will find a job for myself so i'm not that bored when you're gone. and later you'll become a teacher and then... then we will adopt children. they'll wait for you to come home every day."

taehyung cries even more at that.

"i-i love you ggukie. you will be a great  dad."

jeongguk kisses his head.

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