chapter 20

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"gguk?", taehyung asks, sounding so cute as he enters the livingroom in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie from jeongguk.

he must've put that on in the 2 hours jeongguk was gone, because he missed him.

his hair is messy and his lips are swollen.

"come here.", jeongguk says as he's sitting on the couch, stretching his arms out for taehyung.

he goes to jeongguk and sits down on his lap, burrying his face in his chest, still tired as hell.

"can you guys leave us alone for a second?", jeongguk asks hoseok and yoongi and they do.

"baby, how are you feeling?"

"i'm okay. i'm so sorry for opening the door gguk please don't be mad at me,  i was just so happy to see you i didn't think of the possibility that it could be someone else.", it seems like taehyung panicks really hard.

this may be because of the trauma. his dad would beat the shit out of him now and even though he's with jeongguk now, he's still living with that fear.

he panicks and doesn't think of the fact that jeongguk would never hurt him.

"p-please d-don't hurt me.", taehyung sobs and jeongguk frowns. he is so shocked because of his words and hurt.

"tae? baby? look at me.", he says and takes his face in his hands, staring directly into his beautiful and wet eyes.

"i would never hurt you, okay?", he asks, but it's like taehyung isn't hearing what he says.

he's whimpering and crying, trying to get off of jeongguk's lap, but jeongguk holds him, not giving him the permission to just go.

"taehyung.", he warns but taehyung just keeps on fidgeting in his lap.

"taehyung.", he says once again, but taehyung doesn't stop.

"taehyung!", he snaps loudly and he finally looks at him.

with wide eyes he stares at jeongguk, not saying a word.


"did you forget who i am? it's me baby. i would never hurt you, you know that right?"

"y-yeah, i'm sorry."

"it's ok. but now tell me why you took painkillers."

taehyung gulps.

he really doesn't want to tell him about it because he knows that he'll be mad and have the same thoughts as always.

the thoughts that tell him that he isn't safe with jeongguk.

jeongguk wants to protect taehyung and he is mad enough at himself that he wasn't there when bryan was.

and when he finds out that bryan actually hurt taehyung.


"i-i just got a headache.", he says but jeongguk doesn't believe him.

"you're lying. taehyung, just tell me the truth or i'll be mad."

taehyung gulps again.

"okay, but... after i told you, i want you to stay calm okay? you don't have to freak out, it's-"

"just say it already."

"he, um... to come in, he had to push me.."

"he pushed you?!"

"i told you not to freak out-"

"that fucking bastard. i will call him to see him right now-"

"jeongguk no! you can't go to everyone who does something to me, really. please stop, he seemed dangerous and i don't want you to get hurt. these people are mad at you anyway. please stay here, do it for me, please!", he panics as jeongguk already stood up to get his phone and call bryan.

jeongguk stares at taehyung.

"fuck this is all my fault.", jeongguk says and runs his hands through his hair and it seems like he's having a bad fight with himself.

"it's not. i'm old enough to stay 'alone' at home gguk-"

"this isn't your home!", he screams and taehyung widens his eyes in shock, his heart beating faster than ever.

"well... if this isn't my home, i should go now.", taehyung says madly and stands up to go to the front door.

"no! taehyung! i didn't mean it like that.", he sighs.

"taehyung it's dark. i won't let you go now.", jeongguk says and grabs his wrist.

taehyung stares into his eyes for a few seconds, a mad expression on his face.

"i will leave tomorrow morning. i'm in your room. don't come in, i don't want to see you.", he says and breaks free from jeongguk's hold.

jeongguk sighs.

he wants to go to him and explain how he actually meant it but he decides that it'd be the best to give him some space until he calms down.

sadly he sits down in the livingroom, still worrying about taehyung and wondering if he's still in pain.

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