chapter 17

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gguk they're gone

i'll be there in 10

okay but
i want you to stay at my house tonight


taehyung doesn't reply.

of course i'd like to stay at your place
i'm just wondering

i want to introduce you to my parents
is that okay?
if you don't want to i totally understand that

he wants to send more messages but jeongguk "interrupts" him

of course that's okay

taehyung smiles and goes offline, patiently waiting for jeongguk.

he goes downstairs to talk to his parents.

"mom? dad?"

"yes honey?"

"jeongguk is coming now."

"oh great. we wanted to finally meet him anyway.", his mom says and taehyung smiles.

10 minutes later the door rings and taehyung stands up to run there.


"hi.", jeongguk replies, hugging tae before coming in.

"come.", taehyung says and pulls
him by his hand.

"mom, dad. this is jeongguk." he doesn't realize that he's still holding his hand.

"it's a pleasure to meet you mr. and mrs. kim."

"we're glad to meet you too. taehyung won't stop spending time with you and usually we don't know our son like that.", taehyung's dad laughs.

"your room is so nice.", jeongguk says.


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"your bed looks... inviting."

"is that so?", taehyung asks, going to his bed to sit down. but he sways his hips while walking.

"then why don't you come to my bed?", he asks with a cute voice.

jeongguk goes to taehyung's bed abd taehyung pulls him closer.

jeongguk just connects their lips and it's the best feeling in the world for both.

taehyung moans softly into the kiss when jeongguk pulls him on his lap and puts his hands on his ass.

"mh, gguk.", he moans, his hand finding their way to jeongguk's hair.

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