Chapter 8: Dark Storm

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It was bright sunny day in the Pridelands, Y/n was doing her usual routine with Cecil perch on her shoulder. Y/n's pride greatly expected the young bird into the pride and now Cecil has taken it upon himself to watch over Y/n as a friend and companion for as long as they live and grow. Lovely am I right?

Y/n took in the fresh air of the Pridelands. "It sure is nice and warm today, huh Cecil?" She asked looking over at the small brown bird perched on her shoulder. "Yes, it is very nice, Y/n." He answered the cub. Y/n smiled and chuckled softly at Cecil's comment.

Unknown to Y/n, Janja and his hyenas were watch the cub as she walked passed the bush they were hiding. "Uh, Janja?" Asked Cheezi. "What's so special about this cub?" Cheezi questioned look towards Y/n. "Yeah, she doesn't seem so special to me." Chungu said. Janja sighed and rolled his eyes. "Ugh, listen fur-brains, that cub knows Kion. When we chased her last time the Lion Guard came to her rescue, remember." Janja asked to two hyenas.

"Yeah." Cheezi and Chungu said. "Well, if we go after her again, the Lion Guard will definitely come and save her." Janja said. Cheezi and Chungu looked at each other with grins on their faces. "So, what's the plan, Janja?" Cheezi asked. "Just follow my lead, fellas." Janja laughed as the three hyenas snaked their way towards Y/n.

Cecil was flying above Y/n as he gazed over the Pridelands. His eyes widened as he spotted Janja, Cheezi and Chungu surrounding the young lioness. "Oh no! Y/n!" Cecil yelled. Y/n looked up and tilted her head in confusion at the bird as he freaked out rapidly flapping his wings. Y/n turned her head over her shoulder. "Get her, boys!"

Y/n's eyes widened as he claws kicked up dirt, dust and grass then hightailed it and ran. The hyenas laughed as they chased after her. "Cecil!" She called. Cecil flew down next to her saying. "Yes, Y/n?"

"Get the Lion Guard, hurry!" Y/n said. "Of course! I'll be back, Y/n! Be careful!" Cecil said. "Right! I will." Y/n said smiling. Cecil flew off to find the Lion Guard as Y/n ran from Janja and his hyenas.

"What do you want from me, Janja? Does this have some to do with Kion?" Y/n asked. "That's none of you stinking business." Janja responded. Y/n growled as she turned and ran towards Janja and his hyenas. That caught them off guard, Y/n jumped onto Janja's back flattened him to the ground and took off.

"How did you like my evasive maneuvers! See ya!" Y/n laughed sticking out her tongue. Janja growled softly and yelled. "Come on, fur-brains!"

^Elsewhere in the Pridelands^

Cecil was still searching for the Lion Guard to get rid of the Janja who was chasing his friend. That's when he spotted the young prince. "Kion!" He called. Kion's ears perked up looking up into the sky. "Cecil? What's going on? I thought you'd be with Y/n?" Kion questioned the bird. "Yes, I know. But, that's the problem." Cecil said. Kion's eyes squinted in confusion as he flicked his tail a bit.

"It's Janja, he's got her on the ran." Cecil said. "Hevi kabisa! Where is she?" Kion asked. "I don't know, she was getting chased when I left, sorry Kion." Cecil said. Kion nodded and said. "I'll get the rest of the Guard." Kion said. "Right! I'll get back to Y/n." Cecil said. "Ono will find you. The Lion Guard will get Janja out of the Pridelands." Kion said with a smile.

Cecil smiled back flying over to find Y/n.

^Back to Y/n^

Y/n has quit running at point was now in a stand off against the hyenas. "Leave Janja! Get out of the Pridelands!" Growled Y/n. "What are you going to do about, fur-ball?" Janja asked. Y/n shrunk slightly. "Janja!" Y/n's eyes widened knowing who's voice that was. "Kion..." She uttered when she looked at him he seemed angry. "Y/n!" Cecil flew over to her.

"Cecil!" She called out, happy to see her feathered friend. The Lion Guard was right behind Kion as dark clouds swirled over head. "What's happening?" Y/n asked herself.

 "What's happening?" Y/n asked herself

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"Get. Away. From. Her!" Kion growled as dark clouds shaped like lions form as the roar was riding on his anger. The roar didn't just blow hyenas away it blew Y/n and Cecil away. Kion stopped realized what happened. "Y/n! Ono! Find her!" Kion ordered.

"I'm on it, Kion." Ono said flying off to find the cub and the young bird. Kion's ear folded against his head. "The roar...I lost control when I was angry." Kion said. "I'm sure Y/n is fine, Kion." Bunga said. "Yeah, she's on tough cub." Beshte commented.

The roar Kion let slip away sent Y/n and Cecil up a tree. "Hapana! Y/n!" Ono said find the cub in the tree. "Ono! Did Kion do that? That roar? Was that him?" Y/n asked. "Why, yes it was. However, that's not what roar was supposed to look like." Ono explained. "Really?! Huh...?" Y/n answered.

Y/n then untangled herself from the tree as she searched for Cecil. She couldn't find him then jumped down the tree then she heard. "Y/n!" It was Cecil. "Oh, Cecil there you are!" She said as the small bird hugged the cub muzzle. "Y/n! Ono!" Fuli ran up to the three with the rest of the Guard and a sad looking Kion lagging behind.

"Kion...thanks for saving me. That roar was....was something." Y/n said. "It wasn't suppose to do that. I guess I was angry and the roar...I used without thinking. The roar is not supposed to used like that. So, I'm never going to use the roar again." Kion said.

Y/n didn't know what to say. Y/n never seen Kion so upset before, she started to realize how much Kion really cared about her. What will happen to the Guard if their leader has lose his confidence in controlling the roar.

A/n: lol hey! Chapter Eight is done. Sorry it took so long. We're in a weird time right now and I've been busy trying to finish the school year online. Been struggling but I'm getting by. Until the next chapter! Warrior out!

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