The Higher Calling

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"I understand you met with the Colonel about the rats on Courasuant," said Grand Moff Tarkin. He was an old man. With thinning hair and sunken cheeks, he looked far older than the Colonel on Coruscant, but I suspected they were close in age. Our meeting was held on a star destroyer in a jet back meeting room. I knew the military values cleanliness but it all seemed like a little much. Even the floors were polish to a shine. We sat at a table that was also polished to the same shine, and was also impractically long. I could lay down on it and not touch either end. There was also a large black droid standing beside the Grand Moff. It was humanoid, at least from the neck down and covered in black leather. Its face was completely different. Its eyes were in the right place, but it had this weird triangular mouth.

"Yes, I did,"

"I understand you're not much for words. So I'll get on with the assignment details," he pressed a button on his side of the table. A blue planet appeared, "On this planet, there is an insurgent group we'd like you to deal with. They have resisted Imperial influence for some time now and plans for invasion have been made. In order for a swift victory the group must be dismantled. Their leader, Quin, is your target," a blue, cloaked man now appeared, "eliminated him,"

"What's the reward,"

"The reward," he sighed, "I heard you were more interested in trophies than Imperial credits?" I nodded, "Well this man and this group of insurgents that he runs, are a crime organization that controls the planet through pure fear. He works the twenty billion people on that planet like a population of slaves. His power is absolute. He commands when the people rise and when they fall. When they are born and when they can die. If they disobey, he incinerates them without mercy. He is their deity in nearly every sense of the word," he sits back, satisfied with his explanation. I must have moved to the edge of my seat because he looks more sure of himself than he did before.

"If his body cannot be brought back," the black figure with the triangular mouth spoke, "which we would prefer, you are to either scalp him or bring us his necklace," the droid spoke in a deep voice that sounded practically human. It certainly looked human, with all four limbs. And he spoke with the same accent as the Grand Moff which was weirder.

"You do understand that there is a difference in challenge between killing a Jedi and carrying out an assassination " the black figure took a few steps forward. His presence was intimidating.

"If a trophy is not enough then you can be awarded your ship's weight in Imperial credits," I wasn't in a place to challenge him. I felt threatened and unfortunately the best route was to concede.

"I also want my ship refueled when I return,"

"Very well," it left me feeling like I had just made the wrong choice. He made it seem like he was going to double cross me somehow. Even kill me. Looks like I might have my next target, or a reason to fear the Empire.

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