San E: Story of Someone I Know (Song Story)

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I'll tell you a story about someone I know
A guy who broke up with his loving girlfriend a few days ago

He sat alone in the empty living room. The smell of perfume was faint to almost gone. What had he done? Who is he now?

Just a person that I know
He's taking it hard and is really sad
What do you think?

He never thought he could cry until this point. His world had just left him and he's lost. He doesn't know what to do. He sits there and thought over what could have happened to make it be this way. Why did he let her go so easily?

No, this isn't my story
It's just a story of a person I know
He loved her so much
Says he falls for her even though they met over a year
He used to tell girls that he was single
But he even showed her off to his friends

She was different. Other girls never had that kind of effect on him. They were never as important as her. She was a gem. A ruby. A diamond. Wherever he went, he was sure to bring her along with him. All was envious. The girls, the boys and parents.

Even his mom thought she was pretty
Just like how his mom told him when he was young
She said that his girlfriend was perfect from head to toe
That's how much his mom liked her

The day when they went to meet his parents, it was a great night. A dinner at a restaurant, with his mother and father and his girlfriend by his side. His father kept complimenting his girlfriend while his mother asked questions. Although his girlfriend seemed nervous, the parents thought she was very beautiful and kind.

He took her home every night on a taxi
Then he would take the last bus back home
It was hard work but he wanted to be with her at least another minute
Because when he was with her, his worries melted away

Even when his girlfriend was protested for him to drive her home, he did anyways. Why wouldn't he? He's in love. He wanted to be there, next to her, every minute he can get. He had work the next day but he didn't care. He wanted her to wash his worries away like she always managed to do without breaking a sweat.

They were so happy like that
The story is good till here, happiness times one hundred
But who is that person?
Uh... just someone I know

The happiness was there and the next moment it's gone. He was so happy. But who is he now? He was sad, angry, confused and lost. He didn't know who this person was anymore.

I'll tell you a story about someone I know
A guy who broke up with his loving girlfriend a few days ago
Just a person that I know
He's taking it hard and is really sad
What do you think?
No, this isn't my story
It's just a story of a person I know

He still sat there, in the empty living room. Rain drops were hitting the window rapidly but he didn't care. He didn't notice. It was passed 1AM but he wasn't tired. He sat there thinking, thinking where it could've all gone wrong.

He said something started to feel strange at some point
They used to be so close but they started to feel awkward
He said he had no idea why
After a while, he found out that she was leaving far away

He was happy, but the girl wasn't. He failed to realize it. But he could feel something was off. That Saturday night, there was no phone calls or good nights like the usual. Something was wrong.

She said, let's stop this now, as she cried
And he tried clinging onto her white hands like a lobster
But seeing her be in even more pain, he loosened his pincers
I told him, just face it, she didn't love you

The next day, she came to his front door. He invited her in instantly. Her eyes didn't meet his. He knew this was a bad day. He just didn't know how bad it could get. The first thing out of her mouth shocked him into years. "Let's break up," she had said. He didn't understand why. What happened? He could face the reality. She repeated it again, this time stronger. He was still confused. He hadn't done nothing wrong, not that he knows of.

But he kept denying it
He kept begging like a hungry beggar
What she gave him was not love but pity
I'm so sad

He said no, he didn't want. He begged her not to go. She shook her head and headed for the door. He grabbed her hadn't and pleaded on his knees. "Please, don't." he begged as his voice shook. Now he's here in this empty room, having nowhere to go, thinking about that scene over and over again. Why was he like this? Why couldn't he stop this? "Why couldn't I, me-this person-this body, stop this?" he thought.

Did I just say "I'm"?
I guess I got too into the story, you understand, right?
But you ask how I know the story this well?
Oh because we're really close

That's right. He was the one who let this happen. This person sitting in the living room is that exact same person who let her go, right out the front door. He blamed someone he thought wasn't him yet it was. It was the exact same person. He can't escape this blame.

I'll tell you a story about someone I know
A guy who broke up with his loving girlfriend a few days ago
Just a person that I know
He's taking it hard and is really sad
What do you think?
No, this isn't my story
It's just a story of a person I know
These kinds of things happen to people
(It's just a story of a person I know)
It's so funny, isn't it childish?
(It's just a story of a person I know)

This is normal. Everyone breaks up. Yet why couldn't he get over it? This is childish, he thought to himself. Stop thinking about it, he told himself. Snap out of it, he hit himself. But it didn't work. He still had those thoughts of what reasons could be it...

But what do you think?
What do you think that guy should do?
Should he hold onto her or should he just give up?
Am I being too serious?

Should he forget about her? Should he move on and find another woman. What if he can't? What if there's no on except for her? So many questions to answer. He doesn't have time to answer them especially when he needs to know why?

I'll tell you a story about someone you know
A guy who broke up with his loving girlfriend a few days ago
Yeah, that guy is me
It's really hard and I'm really sad
So what should I do?
Nah, never mind
Just... just...

It was his fault. It was all his fault. He should've done better. He should've... forget it

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