The Sea Sand and Cute Boys........ Definitely The Beach ( Part 1 )

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"So what should we do for the upcoming 2 weeks?" your mom asked since she took a vacation from work and you guys didn't have anything to do.

"I don't know....." You answered trying to come up with a vacation idea.

A few moments later your sister came into the room and suggested, "How about the beach?"

"That's a great idea! Lets all go to the beach! Starting saturday ok girls?" You mom exclaim.

"Sorry I was just suggesting it. I'm not actually going cuz I got plans with my boyfriend. Remember? I told you it's going to be our eight months anniversary and we're gonna celebrate it." Your sissy explained.

"Oh....ok." Your mom was kind of disappointed that she wasn't going to spend time with both of her daughters and you could see that in her eyes.

You had in mind to invite your best friend to tag along because she is like another sister to you and another daughter to your mom. "How about I invite (Y/F/N) to tag along?"

Your mom's eyes lit up instantly when she heard the suggestion. "Great so call and ask her then start packing for Saturday!" She said happily.

You went upstairs and called (Y/F/N) to tell her the news.

"Great! I'll start packing and come over on Friday." (Y/F/N) replied.

You said alright and ended the call. After you were done packing it was near dinner time and you still haven't told your mom about the reply (Y/F/N) has given you. You skipped downstairs and into the kitchen but found your mom to be nowhere in sight. Instead you found your sister's boyfriend, her, and a messy kitchen.

"What are you doing? Where's mom? You know that you'll have to clean this up before she finds out right?" You said. She rolled her eyes and just ignores you. While it's the opposite for her boyfriend. He adored you. He went straight up to you and gave you a bone crushing hug.

"Let go of me! I'm not a little kid anymore! H-hey put me down!" You protested as he tossed you into the air as if you were nothing but a piece of paper. He smiled widely in return. Your mom magically appears in front of him making him drop you with a thud. "I-I'm so sorry (Y/N)! Here let me help." He said holding out his hand to help.

You took his hand and pulled yourself up and told your mom the news before heading back to your room saying you don't want any of the food that sis is making. The last time you ate one of her food you got a serious stomach virus and threw up every 2 minutes.

And she didn't even taste her own food. Who does that?! Like seriously, who cooks and doesn't taste it before serving it? Now it's her turn to taste her own medicine. And so does her boyfriend.

You ordered some take-outs for yourself and some other food just in case your sissy and her boyfriend change their minds about the food.

Finished dinner, finished take-outs, now it's time for bed.

~ NEXT SATURDAY (Beach Day) ~

"Wake up! Wake up!" You opened your eyes to be instantly blinded by the sunlight. Your friend was jumping up and down on the bed attempting to wake you up no matter what.

"No! I don't want to! Ok.... 5 more minutes?" You asked tired of her jumping like a maniac.

"No you can't sleep for 5 more freaking minutes." (Y/BF/N) said.

"Why?" You mumbled. She heard you loud and clear and answers you.

"Because we are leaving in 5 minutes. And if you don't get ready soon, you'll be stuck here with your sister for the next 2 weeks!"

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