Twisted Rapunzel Dream

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Normally I would get nightmares after watching a scary movie, but not this time. This time, I didn't do anything remotely scary.

There's a friend of mine who is kind of rich; she has this huge house to prove it. No joking, the house — fifty rooms, three garages, and fifty acres of land — is a mansion.

Now there's me, an OCD and curious person. Don't even ask why but I decided to go into their house... uninvited. The inside of the house looked even bigger; it was so spacious. The walls were filled with pictures of their achievement. The first place I looked for a mess was the kitchen, but it was surprisingly clean. There weren't any dishes in the sink; or crumbs in the corner. I went on to checking their rooms.

I didn't have a place to start, so I decided to open the door closest to me: Hema's room. The walls were painted blue. There was a king-sized bed with a nightstand on each side. If you turned a bit more, you can see an office. There were bookcases filled with books and papers stacks high on the desk. I scanned the room for any signs of mess but in the end, there was nothing.

Her brother's room was another story. The room was trashed with toys everywhere; some were tucked under the bed while others were just in plain sight. There was an unfinished sandwich on his desk and papers everywhere. I took a deep breath and started cleaning the room. I think it took around thirty minutes to organize it, but I did it; the toys were placed inside a box in the corner, the papers were stacked neatly, and there weren't any unfinished snacks in the room.

The living room looked clean enough so I didn't bother messing with it. The master bedroom was off limits. How did I know? There was a sign hanging on the door stating that it was "OFF LIMITS".

I thought the house was pretty clean so I decided to start exploring. I turned around the corner and saw Hema. Remembering that I was basically trespassing, I tried to hide myself. But it was pointless. I had caught Hema's attention and she started approaching me. "What are you doing," she asked me as she laughed. I can understand why; I had my hands covering my head and was whispering, "she can't see me; she can't see me".

"Hey... nothing really. Just checking the house out," I replied, avoiding eye contact. My eye caught a glimpse of another room. It had a sign on the door like the master bedroom did. Except, this time, the words were written with...blood? The sign had 'Rapunzel' written in red ink that was still dripping.

Curiosity got the best of me and I started approaching the door. Hema looked at me in confusion but followed after. I reached for the doorknob but before I opened the door, I turned to Hema. I looked at her straight in the eyes and said I was going to open it.

I had expected a pink room or something because of the word 'Rapunzel' but there was nothing. The room was filled with darkness and the only that I could see was a knife.

There was a knife beside the door. The blade had drops of dried blood on it but everything else was clean. The floor surrounding the knife was also clean.

I took a deep breath and took a step forward.

A loud screeching noise was heard as soon as I stepped into the room. I followed the scream's direction and discovered that belonged to a woman. My face paled as I saw her charging towards me. Hema was the only reason I was still living at that point. My body froze when I saw the woman's face.

She had long, black, thin hair that covered almost all her face. It was slightly parted to where you could see her right eye. The eye was bleeding with dark bags underneath. She didn't have any eyelids. Her face was so pale you could see the blue veins running up her neck. It was terrifying.

Hema yelled for me to snap out of it. I quickly came to my senses and grabbed the knife. The women kept charging while screaming at us. I tried to move away but tripped and fell backward. The women stopped right at the door and looked at me. Then she grinned.

Shivers ran down my spine as she screamed once more. She reaches out to grab me with her hands. I, fearing for my life, took the knife and scraped it across her arm. It had no effect. Sure, the arm bled but that didn't stop her. At best, the cut on her arm just looked like a deep paper cut. The skin was tough to cut through. I slashed it again and again but the woman never stopped advancing. She only slowed slightly.

Her eyes widened as she came closer to me. Words were falling out her mouth as she came closer. "Give me, give me my eyes!" she yelled.

"Look at me! Aren't I pretty?!" she screamed. I raised the knife high enough to cut her throat; it was easier to make a cut there than her arm. That didn't kill her either. Blood gushed out her throat as she tried to choke herself to stop the bleeding. I took that as my chance to run.

But, similar to other horror movies, the character has to trip and fall. So I did. Her outfit was covered in blood from her slit throat, but she still moved. She ran towards me, laughing like a maniac.

I raised the knife, ready to cut her throat again but my arm was caught by her. She looked at my arm and dug her nails into my arm. The pain was real. Blood started oozing out as she tears my skin out. She then looked at me and smiles creepily. "Got you," she simply said.

And I blacked out.

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