carpie deim

54 4 0

I lay here in the dark

Wondering if what I've done in life was worth it

As I'm wondering this I hear a knocking on the door

Tiss death

I knew he was comeing

I knew it was my time to go

But as I look back on my life I relize I hadent done anything that made me proud

I played the devils game and got in way over my head

It felt like I was drowning in quick sand

But after a couple of months I found something new

It sparked a light in me

And now as I sit on this bed preparing for death

I regret not sezing the moment while I had the chance

So here's one last thing before I go

"Carpie deim it means seze the day

Live every moment like its your last

Because you never know when you will take your last breath”

My old sub told me this so that's why their are quotes around the part about the capie deim

poemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon