Little sexy Lexi

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This story is crazy

Little sexy Lexi's been through tragedy tragedy and more tragedy

Her whole life has been a tragedy

Her mom abandoned her at birth and her dad was nowhere to be found

A cop took her in and she thought she was safe until she turned 8 and those things he did she will never forget

The only dad that she ever knew

The only dad she grew up with raped her and then blew his brains out in the kitchen

All because she started to grow a body and he started to notice that

She was only eight years old

When she woke up there was blood everywhere

She called the cops barely able to speak

People came to take her away but she got scared and ran away

She ran to the store that was on the corner of the street

And lo and behold there was a 16-year-old drug dealer there that took her in and gave her care

She had a new family now

Her mama was a prostitute

Her daddy was a hustler

Her sister was 11 and the son was making love to her

It only gets worse from here

She becomes part of this family and by age 14

She's giving her body away to men that she's never seen

Men that she doesn't even know

She goes from house to house with these men need I remind you she's only a 14-year-old little girl

She's doing all these things because she wants someone to love her

Then one day she meets a boy her age and they instantly fall in love

It's love at first sight

They bought a home together and slept around on the first night

They thought they were in love and yeah It was true but little Lexi forgot to tell her boo

That she has Aids so what does he do

He grabs a ratchet knocks her out for good

And drags her to the basement then proceed to take his own life

A bullet to the head all so that they can be together in the end.

This story is deep

And it's scary I know

But I just want you all to know

This isn't to be taken lightly it isn't a joke

Stuff like this happens all the time

I wish that I could say that this was just a rhyme

But it's not it's so much more than that

People don't ever take the time to shed light on situations like that

And I'm not going to sit here and just say that

Because I know that there are people out there who try to shed light on things like that

But for the people who try to push it aside and act like everything is all right

You need to stand up and fight

Too many people are getting away with letting these things happen

And it just needs to stop

We need to put an end to these things that are happening

Or at least make an effort to try

Don't just push them aside like they're a simple hi that someone that you don't particularly like said to you in a crowded hallway

These problems are so much bigger than you and me

There about the kids now days and our future kids to come

So I'm just gonna leave you with one last thought

And I really want you to think about this question a lot

Would you really want your kids to live a life like that

I did not make this story up myself it is originally a story telling rap that Stylay Minati wrote I did however retell the story in my own words to help shed light on the fact that things like this do actually happen and it's not something that should be taken lightly also here is the video of him doing the rap if you guys want to check it out. Thank you for take mg the time to read this ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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