Power of the Supernal

Start from the beginning

   I let out a scream of agony as Tenebris was forcefully yanked out of my soul by solid, translucent bands of magic. The Elemental began casting under his breath, his hands suddenly clutching my waist and taking all of my weight before I could fall to the ground. Tenebris was stubborn throughout, the demon digging her telepathic claws deeper into my soul each time The Elemental's magic slammed into her. She roared her defiance, blood beginning to trickle from my nose at the clashing of two mighty magics. A centuries old, all-powerful warlock and a reign demon whose magic I still had yet to see their limits.

   In that moment, the Dark and the Light were both waging a war inside of my soul for possession of my body, for possession of the Supernal and how they wanted the Prophecy to be fulfilled. I had realized that too late.

   In that moment, I had had enough.

   I erupted, and there was no going back.

    'If that's the case, summon it's shadows.'

   I did. And I made the mistake of bringing the wrath of a reign demon behind it.

   Living, shrieking shadows erupted from me with a blast, knocking The Elemental clean off his feet and into a wall. Pictures of ancient runes and old weapons clattered to the floor, barely missing The Elemental in his prostrate position.

   His eyes widened in disbelief as magic poured off of me in waves. So this was what it meant to be the Supernal! I laughed, letting go of all of my doubts, my fears, my limit of how hard I could push myself, and just let go.

   The Elemental was roaring my name from his position on the ground. Tenebris was oddly quiet with shock. And through all this, I held the power of a newly born goddess in my soul and I. Was. Not. Afraid.

   At one point I felt Karinossa's magic try to subdue mine. I cast her a glare and flicked my hand at the ward she erected. It shattered with half a thought. I pushed her back with a surge of darkness, still knowing who she was, and slammed the office doors shut.

   No one was going to stop me. Not now, not when I had just discovered how deep my magic truly went.

   I reached into my core, stroking the part that contained my flames and let that out too, making sure it didn't emit heat as not to harm anyone.

   Another blast of pure, unchallenged magic tore free, white blessed fire flaring out wide. The Elemental reached for something in his desk, and I felt the magic of a nullifier. He wanted to subdue me? I sent a bolt of blessed fire near his hand, scorching his desk. He pulled his hand back and stared at me with multiple emotions overriding his features, shock at how powerful I was being the most prominent.

   I chanced a glance to see what my magic looked like and I let them flare wider at the beauty. My magic truly had been infused with Tenebris'. The shadows had fused with my flames, giving them the appearance of black fire with white, flickering tips.

   "ANVEYA! STOP! YOU'LL BURN OUT!" Tenebris screamed.

   She was still there. "How do I know you won't use me."

   "I won't! Half of your magic is my own! I'm trying to help you, you idiot!" Bold of the demon to call me that when I was literally blazing with enough magic to be considered a goddess. But then again, that was Tenebris. In the one day I had known her, she had become my companion.

   "...Alright," I whispered, and reigned my magic back in.

   The air became breathable again without the oppressive weight of magic, but Karinossa wisely kept the doors closed.

   I let out a breath and stared at The Elemental on his knees, pulling himself up with the help of his desk. The nullifier was locked away in his desk again, but I could still feel it's slight ebb of caster magic. My mouth curled in disgust at that, that he had always had it and had almost used it on me just now.

   Now standing, he leaned heavily against the old bocote wood desk and stared at me as if we were strangers. "Anveya," he said at last. He sounded defeated but angry, though I did not know why.

   I took a step forward, showing my hands in a gesture of peace. "I'm—"

   "Get out."


   "I said get out!"

   Tenebris remained silent in my mind, but I felt her prodding me towards the door. "I'm sorry," I said quietly to The Elemental before swiftly leaving his now-wrecked office.

   The demon waited until I was halfway down the hall and heading towards my scouting training class before she spoke. "Are you alright?"

   "I'm fine. I didn't know I was that powerful."

   "Yes, well, I helped."

   "You did. Thank you."

   "You were right. The Prophecy never mentioned you and I meeting, or about us sharing our magic...but what if that was on purpose?"

   I was just passing the front entrance of the school when someone walked in. Before I had time to answer Tenebris, she was hissing in my mind. I gave the stranger my complete attention and halted.

   The witch in her mid thirties stopped as well. Her pale-brown hair was tied in a loose bun, and her amber eyes stood out brightly against her white robes.

   My eyes sought out her witch mark, finding it at her collar easily since it contrasted with her white clothing, and my jaw dropped upon finding it.

   A black triangle with a balanced scale in it.


   One of the Seven Virtues I was supposed to kill. She was supposed to be in hiding!

   And yet here she was, walking casually into the Numinous Atheles witchcraft school and straight into my path.

   Goddess, what?

   Goddess, what?

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