They got there a little less than twenty minutes before the park opened and began unloading the van of everyone and their things. 

The manager of the park had been thrilled that the Avengers were coming to the park so they had fast passes for every ride and had gotten free tickets. 

By the time everyone was unloaded the manager was waiting outside for them and had cleared a path to let them in through. 

"You guys know what you want to ride first?" The manager asked. 

Sam and Peter glared at each other, as though daring the other to say something first. 

Before they got the chance, Thor pointed at one of the rides, "What is that large wooden structure over there?!" 

"It's called American Thunder. It's a pretty fun one." 

Wanda nodded, "We should just start there and work our way around the park in order of what we see." 

The others all agreed, Sam and Peter with some grumbling and they set off for the wooden coaster Thor had seen after thanking the manager. 

Crowds began to follow them and people were shouting and cheering for all of them as they walked by. 

"You know I've never been on a roller coaster before," Steve said to Natasha as they walked hand in hand towards the wooden one. 

 Natasha raised an eyebrow, "Never? Didn't you grow up near Coney Island?" 

Steve nodded, "Yeah but I had so many health issues that I didn't ever dare get on them. I was normally the guy that held everyone's stuff."

Natasha smiled, "Are you scared of them?" 

Steve looked at the ride as they got closer to it, "Not of this one. It doesn't look too high." 

"It looks higher than I like to be so I'll sit this one out guys. I can hold the bags and stuff. Getting too excited or nervous isn't a good idea for me," Bruce said, going off Steve's statement.

Tony attempted to argue with Bruce about riding it but eventually they all agreed that it would be terrible press if the Hulk came out and destroyed a bunch of roller coasters in front of a crowd.

So Bruce took everyone's stuff and they all got in line for the ride, attempting to decided riding partners at the same time. 

Steve and Natasha obviously decided to ride together, Peter called dibs on 'Mr. Stark', Clint and Wanda decided they'd rather ride with each other than the other two, which left Sam and Bucky together. 

Tony wanted to sit up front but so did Bucky so they argued for a while over that before eventually flipping a coin that meant Sam and Bucky would sit in the first row. 

They all boarded onto the train for the ride and Natasha couldn't help but laugh a little at how large Steve looked sitting there with the bar across his lap. He was already holding on and looked a lot more tense than someone who wasn't scared would. 

"Relax Rogers. If you grip that bar any tighter you might break it." 

Steve blushed and loosened his grip, " this thing safe? It doesn't look super safe." 

Natasha grinned, "It's safe. Plus, I've watched you jump out of a plane with no parachute and then later that same week jump out of an elevator that was like 20 stories up. This fall would be nothing to you." 

Steve frowned, "That's not comforting Nat." 

Natasha laughed and reached over to place her hand on top of Steve's as the cart began to pull away from the station. 

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