Chapter seven

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  After eating breakfast we returned to Tulsa. We walked around a little bit, down the streets and he told me about certain places of his childhood. He talked about his parents and all the fun times he had. He also talked about Dally and Johnny.

"You know, this is the first time I've really talked about my parents, in...a while. And Dally and Johnny...."

"Really? Well, I know how that can be...."

"Yeah." Pony boy responded, taking my hand.

"So, I don't want to bring up any...touchy subjects," he continued. "But I want to know more about you-about your past"

"Well, there a place we could go to sit and talk? It's kinda a lot to go over..."

"Oh sure. And I mean, you don't have too..."

"No its fine. You deserve to know."

I followed him to a park where I would finally reveal my story.

Sitting on the grass beside a small pond, I started my story.

"Well, I was born in a average town, on any average Saturday: March 19th. My mom's name was Karen Grey Holman, and my dad's name was Henry Holman. We were on the richer side of middle class and I guess I lived a pretty normal childhood. Except for one thing. My parents were really protective. And some nights, I would here them whispering to each other. They would talk about some man, and if he had found them yet. My dad always said he would never catch on, what with them leaving a pretty mediocre life in a mediocre town. I never knew who the man was, or why he would be after them, but I guess he found my parents, and I can only pray that he doesn't find me. On April 12th, about 2 years ago, my parents were murdered, and I escaped. I was torn from all my friends and sent to live with my foster parents who only wanted me because of the money the got from taking care of me. They didn't care about me at all, and well, there 19 year old son cared a little to much. A few tines he tried, but one time he tried with force. I knew I had to get out-"

"Oh jesus, Sierra....You didn't deserve any of this...Oh my God, I just can't believe it...." Pony said, as he took my hand.

"Well, I guess no body deserves it. Anyway, in the middle of one night, I packed a bag and left. For a couple weeks I just roamed around until I came here. It doesn't appear that any ones looking for me."

Pony boy just looked into my eyes for a few moments. I couldn't really read the look on his face-sympathy, anger, admiration.

" Wow. And you're so strong... still so lively. It must be really tough though, huh?"

"I'm not gonna lie. It is. But I'm not the only one things have happened to," I said, squeezing his hand.

He looked away for a minute and finally turned back to me, cupping my face in his hands.

"Sierra, no matter what, I will be here for you. To love you. To hold you. To protect you. Whatever you need me for I'll be here. I've only known you a few days, but this feels so right; me here for you."

I smiled. "And I'll be here for you Ponyboy Curtis."

Then he leaned in to kiss me, gently, lovingly. And we continued  kiss as he held me. And I swear you'll never see anything like it. Sparks flew, tears flew, love flew. For why seemed like an hour our passionate kisses continued on my lips, neck, cheek...

Finally it was getting pretty dark out, and we knew we had to return home.  We walked back hand in hand, through the streets. Out of the corner of my I, I saw something move in between the bushes. I turned to look and the rustling stopped.
It's nothing, I thought. But in the back of my mind, I knew that it's wasn't just nothing.

And that maybe I was wrong about nobody looking for me.


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