Chapter sixteen

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When Ponyboy saw me looking at him he suddenly regained his composure, saying. "I ummm wow. I bet it feels really great to have family again."

"Yeah...I guess...could- could we go somewhere to talk?"

"Sure." He said, walking over and leading me outside. His hand was around my waist, but it was almost like he was trying to steady himself.

"Maybe we can go to that park." He suggested.

"That sounds perfect." I responded.

Once we got there we went to the same bench that we had been at last time. I stopped, pausing to remember that time. At first I smiled, but then I remembered if I left I might not have any more times like that.

I sat down at the bench and looked down at my feet for a while. Pony waited patiently, but out of the corner of my eye I could see he had a look of distress. Finally I spoke.

"Ponyboy, when I realized that I had a family again-one that wanted me, I saw how badly I needed that. It would be like a second chance I guess. But I feel like and the gang is my second chance. I love you so much and I don't want to leave you. I mean maybe I'll see you again and maybe we could still be together and I could visit...but what would that separation do to us? I can't leave you. I can't..." And then I starting crying. I never cried much until I came to Tulsa. It was like Pony brought my true self out. After a moment Ponyboy slowly pulled me into him. My head was on his chest, his hand on my head and another around my waist. Trying to console me he said, "Sierra, its OK. Its OK."

"But I don't want to leave you," I said, my voice muffled into his chest.

"Sierra I obviously just want you to be happy. I mean my selfish side wants you to stay, but If you want to its OK. I would hope our love can stretch at least to Dallas."

"I.... I mean I know it would but I....don't know. I seem to not know anything anymore."

"Do what your heart tells you to do. You'll be OK."

"OK," I whispered.

And then we just sat there for a minute. I don't know what Pony was thinking, but I was thinking about what I would gain and what I would loose by going to Tulsa.

I would gain a guaranteed chance to finish school and get a good job and maybe go to college.

Everything would be much more settled and planned, rather than going day by day like I was now.

I could get a piece of my family back.

I would loose being everyday with pony boy.

I would loose the great friends I had made with the gang.

  The losses was a shorter list, but a very impacting one. I would seriously have to think about what I was going to do.

Pony boy's voice brought me back to reality.

"You know Sierra, a kiss would've been very appropriate and reassuring at the moment."

I turned to look at him, a smirk was on his face and a twinkle in his eye.

"Would it really?" I asked, not being able to keep a smile off my face.

"Very much." He answered.

Then I crashed my lips into his, intertwining my hands around his neck. We kept kissing, completely wrapping our lips around the others. Then he slowly started leaning me back, eventually where I was laying on my back on the bench and he was on top of me, one of his hands going up and down my side and the other on my neck.

"I really hope no one walks by." He said.

"Couldn't we just go back to your house? " I asked.

"But you forgot, I have brothers and probably Steve and Two-bit."

"Uhggg. Where can we go?"

"To the drive in."

"Good idea."

He got up off of me and we practically ran onto the sidewalk. Before we got to the drive in though, a car pulled up beside us and stopped. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ponyboy tense and pull something out of his pocket- a switchblade.

"I thought things had settled with the socs sense...what happened." I whispered.

"Maybe. But I've never forgotten. Some of them haven't either."

Sub consciously grabbing Ponyboy's hand, I winced as someone stepped out of the car door. Focusing in on the face  before me in the dim light, I tried to place who it was. Graying hair, cold, dark eyes, and sharp jaw bones to match his thin set body. No body I knew-wait...suddenly a flood of remembrance came over me. A scream, a shot, red blood. And then I remembered  the man who was standing in front of me. He was the murderer of my parents. He was the one who wanted to kill me. The world was spinning before me until just one face, one man echoed back and forth in my head. It was all I saw as I sank to the ground, the world growing darker and darker.


I faintly heard Ponyboy yell.

"Sierra! Who are you?" Pony boy was screaming by this time, but I barely noticed, nor heard him.

"I think Sierra knows who I am. She probably thinks she knows what I plan to do next, but she's wrong. I owe her an explanation first." His voice sounded so calm, yet so low and powerful. I was still on the ground, but I looked up, my head pounding.

"An explanation for what? Are...oh god are you..."

"So she's told her little cry story to her boyfriend has she. Well I guess your both coming with me."

He started coming at us with a gun, and all I could do was scream as pony was about to throw his switchblade like a dagger.

"I wouldn't do that. Im the one with a gun."

The next thing I new I was being thrown into a car and Pony was trying to escape, but failing as he kept getting beat.

"Pony!" I moaned. What was happening?  Was I gonna die? I was gonna die.

Struggling out of the car I tried to to pull the man off of pony but he hit me and pushed me back. I hit my already pounding head on the ground, and groaned.

I looked up at Pony and noticed how badly he was bleeding. He fell over and grabbed for my hand. I took it and tried to pull us both up. Before I could, the guy wacked pony on the head with the barrel of his gun, and he blacked out into my arms. By gunpoint I was drug to the car, still clinging to pony. At one last attempt to escape , I was hit on the head with the gun as well, and didn't black out but felt like my head was about to explode as blood poured from it. For the short remainder of time I was still conscious all I could think about was death. I knew I was going to die and Pony was too and it was all my fault. His nose had blood pooling from it, his lip was busted and a nasty bruise was forming on his cheek and forehead. Not only was he fighting for his life, but he was fighting for mine. And he was gonna die and so was I. Maybe I could finally be with my parents. Maybe ao could just give up. But what would my parents think if they knew what I was doing? They would tell me to fight... so No! I can't die! I won't die! And for the first time since my parents death I reached out to the only person I knew who could possibly do something. God. I needed a miracle. I needed God. I needed him to make us live.

"Please God." I whispered.

"Make us live. Make Pony live. This isn't it...make me live."

And then the word went black again. I was alive, but unconscious.


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