Chapter elleven

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  Eventually we settled back to our tents. I snuggled onto my sleeping bag just as Ponyboy slipped into his. He didn't really look at me and I was a bit worried.

"Hey pony, your not mad about all that crap Steve was doing, are ya'? I'm sure he was just kidding."

"Well, I...I'm not mad, and I know he wasn't kidding. I mean how could anyone not like you?"

"Lots of reasons." I responded.

"Your crazy if you don't see that! Your pretty, smart,funny, sweet, caring, adventurous but not too wild, and so lovable...and I can't believe your mine. And I know that if your ever not mine I'll be broken forever. I lost my parents, I lost johnny, I lost Dally. The only good thing happening was the fact that us and the socs had settled with each other and that was the only peace I had...until I found you. And I'm gonna have to deal with a bunch of guys liking you because no one can help it, but just know that if you ever wanna leave me for Steve or anyone else, you can, because I want you to be happy. But if you do I don't think I'll ever put the pieces of my heart back together again because its already been broken so many times."

Oh my God. I didn't know if I wanted to cry, throw up from shock, or make out with him."

I have no idea what my face look like but probably a contorted emotional wreck, and after Pony looked at me for a while he was starting to turn away when I cupped his face in my hands.

Suddenly finding my voice I said,"Look, Ponyboy. I don't know how I know this but I know it in my mind, my heart, and my soul. I came here broken, like you said you were, and I was mended when I found you. I love you. And I want to always, always be with you. Nothing could change that." By this time a tear was falling down my face and I buried my face in Pony boys chest and wrapped my arms around him, clinging onto him for dear life. Because, really, that's what we both had to do. This world had delt us both a hard hand, but if it didn't, we wouldn't have met and we wouldn't have ever gotten a chance to love each other. How awful would that be. To be lacking of that one someone who love eternally attached. Its defies the law of destiny and-slowly but surely-the consequence is a lonely tragic death throughout all of life. As I lyed there in his arms I thought about how I was only 15. How could I possibly know what I wanted to happen the rest of my life? But I knew that I wanted to finish high school, start a career and a family and be with Ponyboy Curtis. I would do whatever necessary to do that. Sierra Curtis. That had a nice ring to it...


        The next morning I awoke just as dawn was trickling into life before bursting into the day. I could hear the graceful sound of water flowing through the creek and birds whistling good morning to everyone. I quietly unzipped the tent and sat down criss cross on the grass adorned with morning due that tickled its coolness on my legs. I could tell it was going to be a beautiful day. After a few minutes, I heard rustling from inside the tent and Ponyboy slipped out and sat down beside me, kissing my cheek.

"Good morning Beautiful." He whispered, his lips still on my cheek. 

I leaned into him and kissed his neck. When I pulled away I kinda stared at him. Even in the morning he was so cute.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" I asked.

"I don't know, we'll eat breakfast soon when everyone else gets up and then... go for a swim?"

"Sounds great!" I answered, excited.

Soon everyone got up and we actually made eggs on a frying pan over a fire that want to hard to get big again because it was still going from the night before. Once the sun fully came out, we went to get our bathing suits on and ran for the river.


Authors Note:

Hey guys! First of all thanks so much for reading! I know there's a lot of scenes like this one between Pony and Sierra and I like them but I was wondering if you guys liked more scenes between the whole gang. Don't worry , because there should be a  bunch of fun scenes when their at the camp, but I just wanted to see your guy's input. Please, please please comment and let me know! Also, vote! Thanks!


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