Chapter ten

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   Sunday I helped the guys get together stuff they would need and Monday we all set off in Darry's truck. Darry drove, Soda got the passengers seat, and Pony, Steve and Two-bit hopped in to the three seats in the back.

"Uhh guys? Do I have to sit in the truck bed or what?"

They all laughed and I ended up having to be wedged in between pony and Steve. I really should have worn longer shorts or something because Steve kept moving over where most of me was on his lap, and Pony kept eyeing me and moving to where I was mostly on him, and eventually I just wished I was in the truck bed, because I didn't want Pony getting mad at me. I truly loved him, where as Steve was probably just messing with me, and doesn't like me at all-in that way.

The landscape was beautiful, and it reminded me of when Pony took me here. I smiled, and only Pony saw me.

"What're'ya smiling about?" He whispered.

"Just thinking about when you took me here. Up to the old church."

"I was too." He said, kissing my temple. Then my cheek.

Steve was looking the other way, but apparently two-bit wasn't. "Ha! I saw that! I knew you had you a girl Pony!"

Mine and Ponys face turned a shade of bright red and the whole care erupted in a chant of "Ponys gotta girlfriend." Until Darry made everyone shut up so he could drive.

"You know, as much as I enjoy you all, you can really be annoying 10 year old sometimes." I laughed.

"Yeah, cut it out."

The rest of the ride was mostly silent and eventually we arrived to an area where there was a small wooded path where grass had grown in the middle. Full, green trees draped over the pathway and a cool breeze teased my neck. I couldn't wait to see what was beyond the path. With Darry leading the way, we trampled through, lugging sleeping bags, food, and tents. We arrived at a clearing. A blue river flowed to my right, and huge trees leaned over the river, where a weathered looking rope swung gently, grazing the water. In the middle of the clearing there was a circular area with rocks placed around it- a camp fire. I stood there in awe at the beauty of the place, along with Pony, soda, and Darry. I had a feeling we shouldn't break the silence of their remembering, but soon enough Two-bit and Steve were setting down their stuff and deciding where to put their tents. We all broke apart and Soda and Steve claimed they got to share a tent. And then I thought of something. We only had three tents. Would I share with Pony?

"Where will everyone else sleep?" I asked.

"Well, at first I was thinking you and Pony could share one but Now..." Darry said, a hint of humor in his voice.

"We'll behave I promise." I answered, laughing.

"Oookaayyy." He answered. "So then its Steve and Soda, me and Two-bit, and Sierra and Pony."

We all set up are tents, and with dark setting in fast we started a fire. After cooking hotdogs on the fire and enjoying them we sat around, letting our food digest.

"Its been a long time since we've been here. Those were good times. I remember the last time we came, I was about 14. Do you remember Ponyboy?" Darry asked, his eyes in a far away place.

"A little. I guess I was only 8."

"I remember how one time you pushed in the river when I was wearing jeans Darry." Soda laughed.

"I do too! You should a' seen the look on your face.",

We all laughed.

"You know, I really wish...never mind." Two-bit started.

"Wish what?" Steve asked.

"I...well...I was thinking about how Dally would have a lot of fun here. And Johnny."

Everyone agreed, and then we were silent for a minute.

"Well, what should we do now? Play a game?" Soda asked.

"Well, we could play truth or dare." Suggested Steve

"We're not 10 , Steve, but what ever y'all want."

"Fine with me." I said

"Yeah, its whatever," added Ponyboy.

"Okay so let's go in order of who we're sitting beside. And if you don't do it then you have to jump in the river! Soda, you can start."

"Okay, Steve, truth or dare."


"Okay. Do you think Sierra's hot?"

What? What's happening? Of course he doesn't. Suddenly Steve's prideful charisma was gone as he stumbled across an answer.

"I uh...well...sure. A little."

Whaaaaatt? This is just...whatever. Everyone looked at me, snickering. Except Steve... and Pony boy sitting on my left. I hope he's not mad.

"I knew it. said Two-bit."

"Well know you have to choose a truth or dare." Steve said, shoving it off.

Steve dared Two-bit to stuff 10 marshmallow in his mouth that we had leftover from s'mores. Such boys.

Then it was my turn. Two-bit asked me truth or dare. I said truth.

"Tell us your true story all of it."

Before I could even utter a sound, Pony jumped in and said, "She doesn't have to.'

"No its fine," I said squeezing his hand.

" it is."

I told them basically everything. My normal life, my parents murder, my foster parents, my running away, and how there could be someone looking for me and I didn't know why. Finally I stopped and looked up. Darry looked confused, Soda looked sympathetic, Pony clung to my hand, Two-bit looked shocked, and...was that water in Steve's eye? Tough Steve? No way...but apparently there was a lot about Steve I was finding out, like how he thought I was "hot." But I can't think about that. I mean he's cute and all and funny I had Pony.

I will always have Pony.

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