"Oi you're the one who was calling out for P'Boy in your sleep! If he's the first one you think of when you wake up then obviously he means something special to you!" Gun shouted getting up from Offs lap and making an effort to walk away from Off but Off quickly sat up and grabbed his hand preventing him from running away.

" Papi let go of me!" Gun shouted his face red and any traces of humor gone from his face.

Off took a deep breath all while he kept his hold on Gun. He had to calm down. Shouting at Gun was only going to get him to sulk even more even though he was the one who was wrong in the first but would probably never admit it.

Oii! Full time job I tell you.

"*Gun, come back here," Off said calmly indicating his lap after a moment of silence.

Gun just huffed and looked away from Off tugging on his hand that Off still had ahold of.

"If I have to repeat myself things are going to get very dangerous for you," Off threatened slowly losing his patience no matter how hard he was trying to be level headed.

Gun quickly looked at him to gage his expression and whatever he saw must have been scary enough to convince him because after that he was perching himself on Offs knees with an eye roll, trying to keep as much of his body off of Off then on it.

Off scuffed. It truly never was a dull day with this one.

He gently and quickly pulled Gun more fully into his lap with Guns legs resting on the couch.

"That's better, my lap is much warmer now," Off said smiling cheekily at Gun  and stroking his hand up and down Gun's back in comfort.

"Gun, you beautiful gorgeous stupid idiot," Off started and spoke over Gun when it looked like he wanted to say something else "P'Boy, who is my MANAGER," he shouted "Incase you've forgotten," He said with a soft smile after shouting so he didn't make Gun angry "has a very bad, no good horrible , truly annoying habit of making copies of my keys without my permission and sometimes he uses it to get into my apartment in the morning while I'm sleeping to wake me up if I don't answer my calls, so when I heard a voice waking me up this morning thinking I was in MY APARTMENT the only person I could logically think could be waking me up is P'Boy, " Off explained nice and slowly to Gun least the idiot misinterpret something again.

" Well how was I supposed to know that," Gun said  petulantly avoiding eye contact with Off. Off Laughed. He knew it, of course Gun was not going to admit he was wrong.

"You're so stupid," Off said shaking his head with a little peck on Gun's cheek so he knew he wasn't trying to be mean.

Gun's face turned red "You're the stupid who got us late for work!" Gun threw back at Off despite his obvious blush.

"Ohh I wouldn't have forgotten to set an alarm last night if I didn't have to rescue you from falling off the bed last night! Why were you acting so shy anyway , it's not like we haven't slept on the same bed before. What were you imagining  in that filthy  head of yours Gun heh?" Off asked poking Guns side causing him to scrunch his sides feeling ticklish and trying to avoid Off.

Gun laughed and slapped away Offs hands "It's not about that geez Papi," Gun said with an eye roll "Last night I was just really scared and nervous about what you were going to say about my dildo, I was so so relieved when we you didn't say anything about it and we just slept" Gun said shyly looking down at his lap before shaking his head and looking up at Off "and let's carry on not saying anything about it actually!"

Offs brain short-circuited.  He sat there mouth gaping at Gun unable to process the bomb that Gun had just dropped on him.

"YOU HAVE A DILDO!" Off shouted once his brain had caught up and he was capable of normal speech again.

Gun's eyes opened widely in shock "WAIT Yyou didn't see it?!" Gun asked looking confused.

"See what?!Your dildo?" Off asked trying to think back to when he could have possibly come across a dildo while at Guns place "Wait! Is that why you were acting so weird yesterday when I was taking your pj's out the closet?"

"Yeah! When I heard you laughing in the closet by yourself I remembered that I had last put it that drawer and figured you must have seen it," Gun explained frowning at Off "But since you didn't, forget I ever said anything about it,please let's just let it g-"

"Oh no no no no no no no no no no," Off disagreed vehemently "You can't just drop that on me and expect me to forget about it!" Off cried out.

An image of Gun laying on his bed so incredibly horny that he had no shame in fucking himself with a piece of plastic popped up uninvitedly into his head and his dick twitched. Off swallowed." Can I see it?" Off asked softly eyes filled with more heat then  they had 2 seconds ago.

"No," Gun responded immediately shocking Off with his refusal.

"Awww but whyyyy," Off whined really sad that Gun was refusing him such a glorious opportunity.

Gun laughed "If I bring it here you're just going to somehow trick me into using it in front of you," Gun accused him pointing at Off already on to Offs bullshit.

"Oh you got that right," Off said immediately after Gun stopped talking not trying to even hide it. What was the point of hiding, Gun was going feel his half chump member pressing against him any minute now anyway.

"Besides why would I want to use  that when I have the real thing right here," Gun said indicating Offs lap before laughing "Don't worry I'm just kid-"

"Yes," Off interrupted unable construct a full sentence.


"What?" Gun said looking down at him weirdly.

"What you just said just now. Yes," Off said face determined.

More silence took over the flat with Gun looking down at him like he had finally gone crazy.

"What!" Gun cried out again in shock "Are you sure?! You wouldn't even know how to do it though," Gun said bringing Off back to reality and bursting his bubble.

Fuck! Gun was right.

He didn't believe he was saying this but this may be the first time ever in his life he was regretting not having watched the whole video back in high school when he and his friends had been curious about how two dudes do it. At least if he hadn't chickened out he'd at least have an idea of how the whole thing worked.


Off sighed, truly fuck his life. The room was quiet for a minute Off trying to calm down and hide his disappointment when a soft voice spoke up officially frying out Offs brain.

"Errr,well.. I-if... I mean if you still want to do it I don't mind riding you if you're up to it?"

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