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It started on Friday April 3rd 2020.

There had been a chemical spill in the heart of London. The city was on lockdown....

"Heys guys!" Louis shouted from the living room. "You need to see this!"

Zayn came into the room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

It was 6am, the usual time the housemates woke up to go to college.

"What Louis? Why are you shouting mate?" Zayn asked as he sat next to him on the sofa.  Liam appeared, bleary eyed and sat down inbetween the two lads.


"People in London are being told to stay indoors, due to a huge chemical spill, that has formed a massive toxic gas cloud. Residents are being asked to keep all windows and doors closed, checking for any gaps. Also please keep all pets indoors. Do not go outside for any reason. This gas will be fatal to anyone who breathes it in." The newsreader finished.

"Fuck!" Liam said. "This is shit."

"What is? What did I miss?" Niall said as he sat on the other sofa.

"Toxic gasses over London...we're on lockdown."

"Can't be any worse than Niall's toxic gasses." Zayn laughed.

"It's not funny Zayn. This is serious. This could go on for years!" Louis said, with his serious voice.

"Do we have enough food?" Niall suddenly yelled, thinking of his stomach, as usual.

He ran into the kitchen and started opening the cupboards  checking to see what there was.

"Nialler...we only did a food shop two days ago, I'm pretty sure you havent eaten everything since then!" Liam laughed, closing the doors behind him.

"Thank God...I don't wanna starve to death.

"Guys...we do have another problem." Louis said.

They all looked at him.


"What about Harry? And why is he still in bed, the lazy sod."

"It's  Anne's birthday tomorrow,  he was gonna go visit her, remember? He's been looking forward to seeing her for ages."

"Shit. You should go tell him Lou!" Zayn said.

"Why me?"

"You two are best friends. Think he'd take it better coming from you."

Louis sighed and went to the room Harry shared with Niall. He knocked on the door. When there was no reply, he opened it slowly, seeing Harry laying on his stomach on his bed.



"Harry? I need to talk to you!" He whispered, as he walked over and sat on the edge of Harry's bed.

"Harry!" He said a bit louder, shaking him gently.

"Whaaaat?" He grumbled.

"Wake up. I have to tell you. Its important. "

Harry sighed and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "This better be good...what's the time?"


"Shit! I should've been up by now!" He was just about to jump up off the bed, when Louis grabbed his arm.

"No! Listen to me! We're on lockdown!"

"On what?" Harry was confused.

"Lockdown. There's been a chemical spill,  toxic gasses in the air. Nobody can go out til it's safe."

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