Tree Houses Can Be Life Changing

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Summary: Dan and Phil visit the Lesters, but what exactly does Phil have planned for his flatmate?

Word Count: 3434


"And we're here." Phil says while picking up our suitcase and placing it inside the doorway of his parents' house. He steps in and starts to wipe the damp October leaves off the bottom of his black high tops while yelling to his mother that we've arrived. I see her rush toward us in a pair of jeans and an AmazingPhil lion shirt, almost tripping because of her slippery stocking clad feet. I smile at her while she jumps into her son's arms and hug him so tightly that Phil has to literally pry her off.

"Oh Phil, I've missed you so much sweetie!" She says excitedly before going up on her tiptoes and kissing his cheek loudly, making a noise like in a cartoon. She then turns to see me chuckling while placing my removed zipper shoes next to her son's. "Dan!"

She shuffles over, trying to avoid the small puddles on the ground that we had brought in with us and pulls me into her arms despite me being about a foot taller. She retracts herself from my arms after giving me a quick squeeze and then claps her hands with a large smile plastered onto her face.

That's when Phil's father walks into the corridor wearing a white apron that he's tied around his waist. He smiles at his son and I and walks over to give Phil a bear hug, patting his back and whispering something in his ear. I see him nod once his father pulls away and mouth something but I've never been good at reading lips so I have no idea what it is. Damn it, I know this will bother me up until we get on the train back to London tomorrow night.

While I'm thinking, Phil's father walks up to me and smiles.

"Hello, Dan. How have you been?" He asks before taking my hand in between both of his and keeping eye contact. Their whole family has always been big on physical contact.

"I've been well Mr. Lester, how have you been?" I say politely, I'm still nervous every time we see Phil's parents; I never want to make a bad impression. I mean I know that I actually had my first impression back in 2009, but it's never too late to ruin that.

"Alright boys, well come on into the living room and take a seat, dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes." Phil's mother tells us before walking off down the hall to their kitchen accompanied by her husband.

I look over and smile at Phil while shrugging my leather jacket off and hanging it on a hook beside the door. He walks over and plants a quick kiss on my already pink cheek and takes my hand, dragging me through a house holding thousands of beautifully happy memories of us. We pad into the lounge with our mismatched socks (a habit I got from Phil) and flop down onto the dark orange couch. I rest my head on Phil's shoulder and close my eyes, it's been a long day of being on a train, I really hate riding in those things.

I feel Phil kiss the top of my head and wrap his arms around my waist and interlock his fingers beside my hip to pull me into his lap. My head slips down to his lap and I look up to see him smiling a me.

"Woah, your hair." He laughs and reaches down to ruffle it.

I groan and attempt to fix my fringe while still lying in his lap but he grabs my wrists and slips his fingers in between mine, pulling my hands up to touch his chest and starts to play with my fingers. I smile despite trying to keep a straight face and Phil giggles, his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth.

I sit up to kiss him but when I'm a mere centimeter from pressing my lips to his perfect pair his mother walks into the room and starts jumping up and down.

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