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Intro. April 5th 2020.

Hi! I've been struggling with my appearance ever since I was a little girl which later on really started to affect me. I have always been quiet and shy. Kids were really interested in me especially because of these traits of mine and because of my body. I was low key bullied in year 3 and 4 which really affected on my self-esteem and self-love. Then the bullying kinda stopped for a while and in year 8 when I moved schools, in fear of becoming the outsider once again I tried my hardest to act "cool", to act as someone I was not. I wasn't made fun of no more but I was reminded quite often I wasn't enough. I usually got comments on my height, eyebrows, why I don't use makeup etc. Basically I kept on feeling down and I kept on being unhappy, uncomfortable even ashamed of my looks. At a time I was even scared to talk because I was afraid I'd say something that people will think ain't "cool" but happily 2-3 years later I managed to get more comfortable with socializing. But not with my looks.

Now these are things I almost never talk about even with my closest people (which ain't many tbh) so it's very brave step I take. To admit I have a problem is the first step to recovery, they say, so here I am affirming. I do have issues with self-love, self-worth that I definitely need to work on. My plan is to take my time and really try making my body and mind healthy.

I will try to limit the use of any numbers just so I can keep this project safe for ED suffers. But just in case here is a trigger warning to the more sensitive audience.

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