" One of the ministers believed that he had a psychological disorder. So he wanted to check what he was thinking so he brought Mitch and started to ask him a few questions.

  " He started to sweat and panic and then punished so it was proven that he had some problems so he'll be sent to a doctor." the security guard said.

  " Who is the minister?" Jason asked.

  " Well there are three, but the one who got hit was Mr. Clillian." the security guard said.

  Jason then and his friends leave, Jason started to overthink as the fake account that sent the strange message was under the name of ' Cillian_TheMinster'.

  " Let's go to my place today folks," Max said. The went to Max's house they were five there, Max, Jessica, Jason, Angelina, and Tennyson.

  Jason wasn't in the right mood and didn't look that he was okay. His friends ask him if he was okay. He couldn't hide his fear and told him the full story since it started till that day.

  They were all shocked by the story. Jessica puts her hand on his shoulder and tried to calm him down. Eventually, they changed the subject and made him laugh but Tennyson was the least one to talk and laugh, maybe because he was new to the group or scared for his friend or maybe there was something else nobody knew.

  Back at the police station at Jack's office. He was sitting and checking Instagram he then found the picture of the huge party event at the university. He rushed to Edward's office to show him the news.

  " We'll need to keep an eye on that party I am not feeling good towards that party," Edward said.

  They both suddenly received a message. Edward's message was sent through WhatsApp while Jack received his from a normal message which came from an anonymous number. It was the same message that was sent earlier that day at the class but they didn't know anything as well.

  " Let's show this to Tracey she might help us, she's a tracker and a hacker so I think she could crack this," Jack said.

  The day before the party everything was going okay and smooth. Jason decided to go out of the house and go for a short walk. As he was walking he found Jessica taking out the garbage.

  " Need help with that?" Jason asked.

  " No, I am okay. Wanna go for a walk together?" Jessica said. Jason accepts and they continue walking together.

  " Jason I need to tell you something," Jessica said.

  " Go on," Jason said.

  " I love you, Jason. I know we didn't have enough time together but I really love you." Jessica said. Jason was so happy and felt deep down inside a feeling a never felt before he then I told her that he loved her too and that he loved her since he saw her.

  They both had one of their best walks ever.

  The party day came everyone was getting prepared for the party. Jason then went to Jessica's house to pick her up they then they waited for Max as he was the one who's going to drive them to the party.

   Jason then said," You look fantastic." Jessica smiled at him then hugged him. Max arrived and they went to the party.

  Back at the police station where Edward was having lunch. Suddenly, a 17-year-old girl came in angry and shouting that she wants to see someone in charge. Jack goes to check what's happening and to take her to his office.

  " Is there another person in charge other than you, sir?" the girl asked.

  " Yes, but he's having lunch right now. Is the situation so important that you need him as well?" Jack said.

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