Chapter 11

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The door opens to reveal a very puzzled Nakul. I glare at him while he stands there looking uncomfortable.

"Oh for god's sake, just say it" I say after a long pause of exchanged glances.

"Uh... Mom and Dad are coming." My brother says.

"Oh." I reply.

"Apparently, the incident is all around the news. You know what is more confusing?"


"There are five incidents which took place just like your attack in various parts of India. It was well planned in advance. You are the only survivors."

"What?!" We ask in unison.

"Yep. That's why Mom and Dad freaked out. They'll be here in three hours."

The door opens and Naksh's mom enters.

"Ettan, you will be here right?" she asks me.

"Yes ma, why?"

"I'll go home and get some food for you guys and clothes for Naksh. You will be able to handle him till then right?" She says.

"Yeah, sure ma. Take your time. Do you want me to drop you?"

"No... It's alright. I'll be back soon." She leaves the room with that. My brother pulls the chair and switches the television on. The news is filled with today's incidents. I wonder why haven't the media approached us yet. In a country like India, the police arrives after the reporters. I am partially thankful that none of the reporters approached us. But it is weird.

"Why haven't any reporters approached us?" Naksh asks.

"I guess, because this is a sensitive issue they do not want to affect people. Plus, the right wing has wide networks in media. It is a matter of minutes for them to cover this up." My brother answers. We sit in silence and watch the news. I put my phone on charge only to find bombardment of messages from Kat, asking if I was fine. I call her and she picks up in the first ring.

"Oh my god! Are you guys okay? I saw the news! I tried calling you so many times.. What on earth even happened? Oh and which hospital are you in? I am an hour away from Coimbatore. I am driving." I sigh. This woman. I reply to all her questions and brief about all the incidents that took place from two days ago. I glance at Naksh after the call.

"I am sorry, you had to go through all that alone." He says. So he heard everything.

"Well thanks to someone who decided to leave me." I reply. My brother glances at us in confusion. Whoops.

"Sorry, Eth." I nod my head indicating its fine. I sit back and watch TV. Before I know, we hear a knock at our door. Has it already been three hours? My brother opens the door and my parents step in. I look at Naksh in an attempt to avoid eye contact with my parents.

"Naksh, are you okay?" My mom asks approaching Naksh's bed. She glances briefly at me and I can see her tired eyes. She keeps her hand on my shoulders for few seconds and goes to Naksh to ask about his condition. My father approaches Naksh's bed and they have a small conversation. Me and my brother exchange glances as I step away from my parents.

"Did you know about Ettan all along?" My father suddenly asks. Naksh's eyes widen at that. I hear a knock on the door and Naksh's mom comes in with a huge picnic basket in her hand.

"Oh Gopi! You are here! Hello Ravi!" She greets my parents.

"Hello Lakshmi" My mom says as my father nods his head. Awkward. They exchange condolences and general greetings.

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