Chapter 9

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I throw the empty coffee cup in the trash can and walk back to the waiting lounge. For some unknown reason, I feel like Naksh is here. I just know it. I look outside through the windows. I hear the loud thunder and the pace of rain is increasing. The whether is dull and it feels like any moment now, a cyclone may strike. I find a car strikingly similar to Naksh's parked outside in front of the entrance. I look closely and notice Naksh getting out of the car. Shit. I find myself walking towards Naksh subconsciously. I don't care if I am angry at this man. But that is the love of my life standing there looking so.. tired? Has he been crying all night? I move forward slowly a few feet away from Naksh trying to make out his worn out face. He locks eyes with me and I feel him loosening a bit. I walk a step ahead to get to him. I-


My eyes widen at the sight of Naksh crippling to the floor with his left arm over his right, holding in a wound which is bleeding. I run towards him with tears in my eyes as I hold him.

"Naksh!", I manage to say when I hug him tightly. I turn slightly to look for help while I find two men speeding away in a motorcycle with orange cloth tied to it.

"Naksh! Oh my god! Eth! The fuck just happened?! Let me call the ambulance", I look up with teary eyes and see a blurry image of my brother standing there talking on the phone. We lift Naksh up and in a matter of minutes, an ambulance arrives. At times like these I am thankful that the hospital is a few yards away from the airport terminal in Coimbatore. In a flash we reach the hospital and Naksh is taken to the intensive care unit. We sit outside the ICU. I can't control the tears from my eyes. If that bullet had pierced a few inches away from his arms then I would have lost the love of my life. I place my hands around my head and look at the ground. What just happened? Everything seemed to happen in a flash of seconds. I feel my brother sitting on the seat next to me.

"Nakul", I manage to utter.

"Before you ask anything, I am going to go pick up your luggage from the terminal. You need to change those goddamn bloodstained clothes of yours. You have been wearing that for two days", He says and gets up in a whim. As he takes a step forward, a group of investigators occupy the hospital hallway. The chief investigator looks at my brother and me for a brief moment.

"Gentlemen, can we have a minute?"

"Yes sir", my brother replies diligently. I nod my head in agreement as the chief investigators looks at me. I stand up and approach them.

"So, we pretty much got the image of the incident at the scene, but any idea on the culprits?"

I shake my head indicating a 'NO' while I see my brother stiffen at the word culprits. Okay, what's up now?

"Swastik right wing, sir", He replies. What? I look at him and he gives me the 'I know what I am doing, so shut up' glare and I remain quiet.

"I see. You sure?", The deputy investigator asks after a moment. Apparently everyone else except me knows what is going on.

"Positive", My brother replies. The investigator gives us a second glance.

"We shall contact you soon. You will be needed. Take care of the patient for now", He says and leaves in a flash. I look at their retreating figures and turn to ask my brother what the fuck is going on but he taps my shoulders indicating me to sit down.

"I will be back with your luggage. Calm Down. I will tell you", He says with assurance and leaves me with my thoughts. I look down the floor silently praying for all this to be a nightmare. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and when I look up, I see Naksh's mom lower her head towards me with a face full of concern. I immediately get up from my seat and bow down to her.

"Ma...", I manage to say.

"Hey, Eth. Are you alright? Nothing happened to you right?", She asks with concern oozing in her voice.

"Yes ma, I am fine. Um... Naksh... He...".

"Yes, I know, That is why I rushed here. He will be okay." She says. I know that she is as worried as I am but she doesn't let it affect her. That is how much strong she is.

"Ma, do you need anything? Why don't you sit down? I'll get you some water", I say, as I move forward. She holds my arm and hands me a bottle of water.

"You need it more than I do. Sit down", she says and pulls me to sit next to her. A powerful woman indeed. She looks at me with concern.

"You sure that you are alright? Those clothes...", she asks.

"I am fine ma.. really. I am worried about Naksh", I say in response. I feel like I should say everything to her.

"Ma...", I say.

"Yes, dear?", She asks. No, how can I say something in a situation like this? This woman wanted to know how I was before even worrying about her own son. I look at the way she is silently uttering prayer and holding her hands as if she was praying. Her eyes are filled with tears which I am sure that she is not letting to fall down. Even if I was her son, I wouldn't have the guts to make her sad or betray her.

"He is my only family, you know?", She asks suddenly. I nod in response.

"When Naksh's father passed away, I had no hope in life. I didn't know what to do. It was like, my entire world shattered down. But, Naksh, he was strong. He told me that this was not the end. He was very young, but those words are the reason I am still going on. He is my savior, he showed me a reason to live. I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have Naksh", She looks at me smiles sadly. I nod in understanding. Before I could say something, I see the doctors approaching us. I get up in instinct and approach them. I feel Naksh's mom following me.

"Well, he is doing fine. Nothing to worry. It was not a deep bullet wound".

I nod my head. "Can we see him now?", I ask immediately.

"Yes, but he is in anesthetics now , so don't strain him. It should be wearing off soon though", I nod frantically and rush to the room with Naksh's mom. I find him peacefully closing his eyes and I feel my eyes getting teary again. Gosh?! How many times have I cried already? I find him slowly opening his eyes and processing his environment. I pull a chair and make Naksh's mom sit next to his bed. I see his mom take his left palm in her hand and rub it slowly. I look at his beautiful eyes and find myself falling for him all over again. Not this shit again!

"Ma.. you guys talk. I'll wait outside", I say.

"No, Eth. Stay here", Naksh's mom says.

"It's okay ma... I'll go, ask about medication and the bills".

"Ettan, no. Let me handle it", She says as she gets up from her chair. I push her down back on the seat.

"Ma, please. I'll see to it. Just talk to him now", I say as I glance at a slowing moving Naksh. She nods in response.

"I'll resolve this later, okay?", She says. I nod my head in defeat. I search for the doctor and finish all the procedures. I return back to the room to find mom coming outside.

"Ah, Ettan. Do you know where the prayer space is?", She asks. I give her the direction of the prayer space I saw while I was running around.

"Thank you so much. I'll be back soon", She says and moves away. I push through the door and find Naksh a bit sobered up. I pull the chair and sit next to him. I take his left hand and hold it gently. He looks at me with so much unexplained emotions.


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