Chapter 6

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Afraid and feeling hopeless, all I dream is to have Naksh by my side, to build an amazing home with all the intricate designs that Naksh wishes to have, small home but big enough for us, filled with tiny plants and pets, dawn and dusk filling the space in its gradient. With the image of us holding hands and watching television, while having a peaceful life by the slopes of Ooty. It is always so nice and calm, travelling uphill except for this time. Questions keep popping up in my head. I feel that this is draining the little energy that is left in me as I feel my breath getting heavier. This is going to be a long journey.

"My love is the best", Naksh's words kept ringing in my head. As the bus bumped over the speed breaker. I feel myself moving up and down on my seat following the movements of the bus only to realize that I reached Ooty already. I feel my phone vibrating and look at my mom's caller ID flashing on the screen. Mom's instincts are so sharp.

"Eth, Where are you?", I hear my mom from the other side.

"Amma", I said.

"What do you want me to cook for you for dinner?".

"Ma, I'm almost home, 10 min and I'll be in front of the gates".

I walk down the streets and find Ms Grumpy the cat comforting her new born kittens. She used to greet me every time I come back home but this time she's busy.

"Ah!", I gasp as I am immediately engulfed in a huge bear hug. I feel the warmth of my mom's hug and my worries are thrown to the back of my head for few minutes.

"I took so much effort in teaching you how to cook.. but look at you, being skinny and thin as a pole".

Usually I would have replied something witty but this time I just stay in her arms.

"Come", she said as she grabs my hands and pulls me inside. I plunge on the couch to a comfortable position and keep my phone and wallet on the side table.

'Ettan', Naksh's text blinks at my screen.

I take the phone and stare at his message.

'Eth, did you make it home?'

'Yes', I reply.

'Can I call?'


I take my phone and climb up to the terrace and switch on the lights. I notice the LED lights which my brother put up last month for his birthday still held up. The LED lights illuminate a beautiful golden glow to the place. I lean on the terrace walls and pull my sweat-shirt. I hear my phone ringing. It takes me few seconds to compose myself to pick up the call.

"Ettan", I hear Naksh saying in a low tone.

Silence. That is all that occupies the void between us. I could faintly hear his breath and I am sure he hears mine too.


"Yes Naksh".

"Understand me... Please", Naksh whimpers. I only feel my eyes welling up as I am at a loss for words.

"I... I'll call later", I say and hang up. I stare at the call history for a while.

"Eth! Are you not gonna help me cut some mushrooms?" I hear my mom shouting downstairs. I climb down the stairs and enter the kitchen while pulling up my seat-shirt sleeves.

"Naksh's mom called last week and informed that she finally found a match for Naksh." she says as she passes me a knife and the cutting board.

"Oh", I reply as I pick up a mushroom.

"I don't know why but I really like that woman's nature. She managed to raise Naksh all by herself while keeping up her positive spirit and determination. She is an inspiration. You found yourself a great friend with a beautiful family." I glance at my mom while she looks back at me.

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